Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Valentine's Day '09

Well, for some highly irritating reason Blogger is not letting me manipulate the photos and move them in they are all out of place...sorry : (

We had a great Valentines Day this year, Joey really got excited about the Cupid coming to visit him and filling up his box. Here he is with the card holder the cupid brought him. He has really gotten into playing Uno (thanks to Martha & Rick for his 1st set of Uno Cards) but he had a little trouble holding all the cards and would get frustrated. Now he plays hand after hand and kicks our butts...without help!

Peeking in his box on Valentines Morning...the kid could NOT wait!!

More Hot Wheels Stunt Track!

Making Valentines Cookies

Reading his card from Martha & Rick

He got the Pez Candy he wanted SO BAD!!

Joey is getting really good at writing some words and his name, if you write it down for him, he can copy it below very well. Here is what he wrote on my card envelope, a good job for 3 1/2!

Dying to peek inside his cupid can also see the roses my boys got me : )

Decorating our cookies

What he wrote inside my card, the best Valentine EVER!

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