Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Beautiful Savannah

We took a little trip up to Savannah, Ga for a couple of days. I LOVED it!!! Savannah has such an old town feel, it is very relaxing and beautiful. I was wishing we could have moved here instead of Jacksonville, but oh well...maybe when we hit Powerball, haha! A wonderful city!

Joey as you will see was in a great mood for this trip and was seriously into "striking a pose"
The tress are just gorgeous!!!
Here's lookin' at you kid!

In front the the huge customs house, the plaque says the gigantic building cost $175,000 to build, how's that for inflation?

We walked by this beautiful old house and Joey was truly enchanted with it. He loved the "Bella Rose" and so did Mama. The fireplaces inside were exquisite! Too bad some of these homes are aging badly, once again goes back to the powerball theme, one win and I would buy it : )

There was a real live pirate ship docked on the Riverfront, Joey was ready to sign up!

The Savannah Rail Station, Joey was so excited to see a real roundhouse!

These were really neat Dragonflies that balance on any edge. Bill was saying what a good salesmen this guy was, to stick them on Joey....what are we going to do tell him NO?! (God Forbid!) Anyone who knows us knows we now own one of these little Savannah Treasures : )

I thought this was cool, a real live pirate tombstone at the Colonial Park Cemetery, this was an awesome and beautiful cemetery and it is supposed to be one of the most haunted places in the South
A tree in the cemetery, Joey and I thought it was pretty creepy looking with all of the bumps on it. Joey had a great time since he had been watching Scooby Doo recently he kept walking around looking for clues and ghosts : )
Joey fell in love with the Candy shop Savannah Sweets. We went in when they were pulling taffy and Joey loved not only watching it being processed but the fact that he charmed the worker and she was letting him stuff his pockets full of fresh taffy : ) So he made me go in about 100 times while we were there 2 days!
Watching the conveyor belt over his head, that the taffy traveled on to its appropriate bin...the kid was hooked!!! He said it was like Willy Wonkas : )

Some huge anchors by the waterfront, Joey kept trying and trying to lift the chains : )

A pretty fountain in one of the many nice square. Cool dude Joey Z.

Old Cannons

Then Joey wanted to take some pictures and they actually turned out pretty good. I was impressed. This lizards kept jumping on whatever bush I sat next to and he thought that was SO FUNNY!

so he took a picture of my irritated face....hahaha not exactly a great angle for me : ) But at least I am in one pic to prove I was there with him : ) My little budding photographer.

Stay tuned...lots more coming up. Today Joey took his first Piano lesson. I did not take pictures because I didn't want to distract him, but I certainly will take some pics and video next time. He did awesome. His teacher said since he was very young to start he should be on a month trial period, but after this lesson she said he should be in the May recital. Very exciting. The kid is a piano natural and he loves it!!!

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