Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, March 30, 2009

Teeth and Space Shuttle's

We all went a few weekends ago to Micklers Beach in Ponte Vedra...famous for Whale sitings, good surfing and sharks teeth. This trip the water was still too cold to swim, so we searched for sharks teeth and found a few good ones. Here's Joey comparing them to his teeth : ) What a bite!

Our was lost en route...bummer

Joey up close

Then we got a pretty good view from our house of the space shuttle takeoff. Just thought you might like to see it, you could also see it travelling through the clouds but that didn't show on the pics. You know its our house 'cause of the Vols flag : ) Go VOLS!!!! We love to irritate the Gators!

Monday, March 23, 2009

February Disney Trip

Our February Disney trip was lots of FUN! I am not sure if this was Joey's 18th or 19th trip, I need to count them up and keep up with the tally : )

This trip, all of a sudden a few days before we left Joey got obsessed with getting Character Autographs in his Autograph book. Not sure what prompted him, he has had the book for about a year and has never been that interested in waiting in line for the characters (just ask Martha and Molly we kept trying before, but he wanted to ride the roller coaster more that see characters) Here he is getting Chip and Dale's Autographs

and then Goofy's, I am AMAZED at the talent these "characters" have to sign their names in costume...awesome!!

Then we went to Downtown Disney for lunch at the T-Rex Cafe the atmosphere was great, but honestly the food was not that great and the bill was over $60 WITH our passholder discount for 3 of us (no appetizers or adult drinks either).... not many stars from us

But the dino's were AWESOME!!!
Mammoths and Joey's irritated "stop taking pics" face

Da and Power Ranger Joey with their mean faces

Dino Joey

Joey having fun with the Disney ducks : )

We are headed back out to Disney tomorrow, so be ready for more pics.... we are trying to go a lot before Joey starts school in August and our weekday trips are done for good : (

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Beautiful Savannah

We took a little trip up to Savannah, Ga for a couple of days. I LOVED it!!! Savannah has such an old town feel, it is very relaxing and beautiful. I was wishing we could have moved here instead of Jacksonville, but oh well...maybe when we hit Powerball, haha! A wonderful city!

Joey as you will see was in a great mood for this trip and was seriously into "striking a pose"
The tress are just gorgeous!!!
Here's lookin' at you kid!

In front the the huge customs house, the plaque says the gigantic building cost $175,000 to build, how's that for inflation?

We walked by this beautiful old house and Joey was truly enchanted with it. He loved the "Bella Rose" and so did Mama. The fireplaces inside were exquisite! Too bad some of these homes are aging badly, once again goes back to the powerball theme, one win and I would buy it : )

There was a real live pirate ship docked on the Riverfront, Joey was ready to sign up!

The Savannah Rail Station, Joey was so excited to see a real roundhouse!

These were really neat Dragonflies that balance on any edge. Bill was saying what a good salesmen this guy was, to stick them on Joey....what are we going to do tell him NO?! (God Forbid!) Anyone who knows us knows we now own one of these little Savannah Treasures : )

I thought this was cool, a real live pirate tombstone at the Colonial Park Cemetery, this was an awesome and beautiful cemetery and it is supposed to be one of the most haunted places in the South
A tree in the cemetery, Joey and I thought it was pretty creepy looking with all of the bumps on it. Joey had a great time since he had been watching Scooby Doo recently he kept walking around looking for clues and ghosts : )
Joey fell in love with the Candy shop Savannah Sweets. We went in when they were pulling taffy and Joey loved not only watching it being processed but the fact that he charmed the worker and she was letting him stuff his pockets full of fresh taffy : ) So he made me go in about 100 times while we were there 2 days!
Watching the conveyor belt over his head, that the taffy traveled on to its appropriate bin...the kid was hooked!!! He said it was like Willy Wonkas : )

Some huge anchors by the waterfront, Joey kept trying and trying to lift the chains : )

A pretty fountain in one of the many nice square. Cool dude Joey Z.

Old Cannons

Then Joey wanted to take some pictures and they actually turned out pretty good. I was impressed. This lizards kept jumping on whatever bush I sat next to and he thought that was SO FUNNY!

so he took a picture of my irritated face....hahaha not exactly a great angle for me : ) But at least I am in one pic to prove I was there with him : ) My little budding photographer.

Stay tuned...lots more coming up. Today Joey took his first Piano lesson. I did not take pictures because I didn't want to distract him, but I certainly will take some pics and video next time. He did awesome. His teacher said since he was very young to start he should be on a month trial period, but after this lesson she said he should be in the May recital. Very exciting. The kid is a piano natural and he loves it!!!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Declan's 5th Birthday

Joey was invited over to his pal Declan's house to celebrate his 5th birthday with a Pizza Party. It was a great time. Joey and Declan are GREAT PALS!!!

Here they are making their own pizzas...we joked that the pizzas they made were so good they should open up a Pizzeria named DJ's Pizza (Declan and Joey)

Joey had a blast tossing the dough : ) Just like at Big Ed's!

Their pizzas turned out great!!

They look up to no good don't they...I had no sooner taken this pic than the bowl of water was EVERYWHERE!!

Declan's Dad, Tom is a big Harley fan ( in fact he has 2 :) So for his bday Declan got his own motorcycle, Joey chased him around as he rode it!!

Then Joey just had to get on too! He loved it, see that little crooked smile : ) But I say no way, not yet! He will just have to wait till he's legal for this one!!!

Happy 5th Birthday Declan!!!!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Valentine's Day '09

Well, for some highly irritating reason Blogger is not letting me manipulate the photos and move them in they are all out of place...sorry : (

We had a great Valentines Day this year, Joey really got excited about the Cupid coming to visit him and filling up his box. Here he is with the card holder the cupid brought him. He has really gotten into playing Uno (thanks to Martha & Rick for his 1st set of Uno Cards) but he had a little trouble holding all the cards and would get frustrated. Now he plays hand after hand and kicks our butts...without help!

Peeking in his box on Valentines Morning...the kid could NOT wait!!

More Hot Wheels Stunt Track!

Making Valentines Cookies

Reading his card from Martha & Rick

He got the Pez Candy he wanted SO BAD!!

Joey is getting really good at writing some words and his name, if you write it down for him, he can copy it below very well. Here is what he wrote on my card envelope, a good job for 3 1/2!

Dying to peek inside his cupid can also see the roses my boys got me : )

Decorating our cookies

What he wrote inside my card, the best Valentine EVER!

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Disney with the Gallmans

We had a great time in Disney with my family the Gallmans (except Jeff and Meghan who stood us just kidding Jeff!! He is actually getting married in 10 weeks and has been a little busy!) Anyway, here is Martha Rick Molly and Joey in front of Twilight Zone Tower of Terror, can you believe Joey actually rode it twice!!!

Joey and Martha on Toy Story Mania, the BEST ride in the parks right now! We rode this thanks to Parker who ran across the park and braved the Fastpass line, a very hard ride to get on!

Superhero Joey Z!

We went to Japan for Sushi and Joey's Tempura came in a Monorail stuff and BTW the sushi is AWESOME!!!!! Not to mention the Sake

Martha and Joey as Bumblebee going through Swiss Family Treehouse

Joey and the Maracas in Mexico. Funny story, Martha was with him looking at these and a lady walked by and said "Grandma, you should buy those for him"

Molly kept her promise and got he face painted with Joey...what a pair of cuties

The California Grill on top of the Contemporary. Great place to eat and watch the fireworks

Bill, Rick, Joey and the Evil Emperor Zurg!!

Jeff's former Ga Tech roomie Jim Dooley, Martha and Joey in Sweden!

Joey in Blue's Clues thinking chair. Our first night we stayed at NickSuites instead of on Disney property. We regretted this, it is NOT worth the money. This chair was the best thing we saw!!

Joey between Moll and Parker again

Molly and Joey inside Nemo's Bruce the Shark

Martha and Joey the Tiger, a great pic

One of my favorites, Rick and Joey on Big Thunder Mountain. Don't they both just look like they are in Heaven!!

Molly, Martha, Joey and Dopey

Rick, Bill and Joey

It was an AWESOME week with our favorite people in our favorite place! Even though it was freezing cold, we all made the best of it!!! Joey misses his "big friends"! and Bill and I do too!!