Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Chattanooga Choo Choo

I know I have been a terrible Blogger of late and I am SORRY! Especially to my cousin Molly who made it clear I would be sleeping with the fishes if I didn't update soon : ) Luv ya Cuz!!!

So without further ado....On our way home to TN for Christmas Bill was able to score us a Train Car room at the Chattanooga Choo Choo! It was great! Santa and his elves were there, not to mention plenty of trains!!!

Here we are at the door to our room! It was a very neat experience to sleep in a Train Car.

Joey in front of the train we slept on.
Inside the engine car
Our train car, actually way more spacious than it looks from the outside...but a little colder than I normally like : ) Otherwise very comfortable!! Joey was WAY SUPER EXCITED! He told us we were sleeping on the Polar Express and as soon as we were asleep would go with Santa (he was at the Chatt. Choo Choo, too) to the North Pole : )
For a very reasonable $10 charge Elves came and tucked Joey into bed and read him a story. This was actually quite a challenge 'cause the minute the kid saw the elves he nearly jumped out of his skin in excitement. Then having to lay down and listen to a story...IMPOSSIBLE!! But he did really good!

Getting tucked in

Story time!

The next day the ChooChoo had Santa's Elves helping all the kids with Christmas crafts. Joey had a great time

More coming soon I promise....Disney on the way!!!!

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