Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Halloween Season

Picking out Pumpkins was a ton of fun this year

Blast from the past for comparison, only 2 Halloweens ago...boy how they grow!!

What a cutie

Hammering the glow lights into his pumpkin
All done hammering, looks great!!
Our pumpkins all lit up

Joey chose to go as Jack Skellington to our Annual Halloween Party

We got a big bouncy in the backyard, Joey stayed in it ALL DAY!

When the party began he was in it all night with his pals Zach, Hayden, Josh, Lauren, Kyle, Evie and the list goes on...we had a great turnout

Then his My Gym class had a special Halloween fun planned and he chose to go as Woody from Toy Story

Him and his pal Roman, they can hang on forever!

Following the leader

His class and Coaches

Stay Tuned more to come...

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