Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Halloween Day

We started Halloween with a our Mom's Group Picnic in the Park, it was a great time. Here is Joey with his pals Gavin, Lauren and Caleb

Again with Lauren and Caleb

Giving Lauren a gigantic hug...the kid LOVES girls!!!!

Trying to get a good pic of him was futile, he was ready to go, go, go...

Come on Mom, lets go get candy!!
His cul-de-sac Pals. Giving PJ a hi-five, he thinks PJ and Danielle are his girlfriends...they are both much older but a boy can dream : )
With his pal Declan, give us the candy and no one gets hurt : )

All of his friends had gone home but Joey wanted to keep going and since it was his night we let him go, but in this pic you can see he is getting tired. The bag was heavy, full to the top of candy
Finally, Da carries him home and you can see he is still smiling...excited to see what he got. Our boy just loves the holidays!

Lots and lots of candy, even after we took the peanut candy away he had tons!

Happy Late Halloween!!!!!!

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