Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!

Happy Thanksgiving Everybody!!! We are so thankful for all of you this year! I am especially thankful for Joey (of course) and all of my wonderful family and friends. We thank God especially for blessing us in more ways than we ever could have imagined. In short if you are reading this, we give thanks for YOU!!!
Our cutie pie in a cheesehead hat Bill brought him back from Milwaukee.
Pics from our recent trip to the beach, its still warm here : ) Joey on a mission to find another shell or catch a fish....the boy is determined!!!!

Looking for shells in the tide pools

Just a cute pic of a tall boy, we took him to his new Pediatrician and he has grown to 97% in height for his age...almost 40 inches!!!!!! No wonder the kid is rail thin!!!! and in a size 9 shoe....he skipped 8 altogether : )

Anyway, Happy Turkey Day everyone! Check us out again soon for more visits to a famous Mouse we all know and love : )

1 comment:

Carla said...

Hi there! My last name is Zanoni as well! Your blog came up in my set Google Alerts. From my Zanoni family to yours, happy Thanksgiving!!

Carla Zanoni
New York City