Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Halloween Decor

October was an INSANE month for us, but we maneged to actually get some Halloween Decorations out finally and Joey had a blast with all of it. Now he is asking when we are decorating for Christmas!

So here are some pre-Halloween pics I meant to get posted earlier, Halloween is coming soon : )

Almost first thing Joey found his costume from last year. He wanted to put it on and it was small but he loved wearing it around. Here is his monster growl face.

Showing Skellie how to shake hands...very cute!

More funny faces "helping" Da with the decorations

Is this where spiders go?

I'll fix it Mama! What a good little helper I have

Watching Da carve the big pumpkin

Helping Mama with our smaller pumpkin. The kit we bought for this one was great, kind of like a Lite Bright for Pumpkins with little pins Joey could hammer in...he loved being able to help. Very important to him, Mr. Independent. We had 3 pumpkins but we soon learned in Florida you do NOT leave your pumpkins outside.....they quickly rot in the heat :)

Checking out the finished product

Finally we had a costume show to determine what Joey would go as on Halloween night...
Will he hook us all

or steal out cookies? Stay tuned to find out : )

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