Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Friday, November 30, 2007

Santa came early this year for Bill!!!!!

Joey's Da must have been a very good boy this year! Mr. Cheapo finally went and bought himself a nice car - after driving business people around in his truck : ) ! After much negotiating he bought a brand spanking new Caddy. (He flatly refused to get rid of that truck!) Joey loves the new car and Bill is about to die if he takes a sticky lollipop in there : ) Congrats Da you deserve it!!!!

Who is that handsome driver???

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Thankgiving Day!

We had a nice quiet delicious relaxing Thanksgiving. We hope you did too!!!! I asked my boys to pose for a picture right before we ate and this is what I got tongues out and tired of pics : ) Joey had already dug into a roll : )

I had a very handsome young helper in the kitchen this year. Joey LOVED helping me mix stuff up....and trying out all the ingredients including most of the chocolate chips for the derby pie : )

The adorable apron he has on was sent to him special delivery by Uncle Rick and Aunt Martha along with a car cupcake pan...more on that later when we make Gingerbread.

After dinner we decorated the candy tree and Joey helped with the cookie ornaments.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!

Happy Thanksgiving Everybody!!! We are so thankful for all of you this year! I am especially thankful for Joey (of course) and all of my wonderful family and friends. We thank God especially for blessing us in more ways than we ever could have imagined. In short if you are reading this, we give thanks for YOU!!!
Our cutie pie in a cheesehead hat Bill brought him back from Milwaukee.
Pics from our recent trip to the beach, its still warm here : ) Joey on a mission to find another shell or catch a fish....the boy is determined!!!!

Looking for shells in the tide pools

Just a cute pic of a tall boy, we took him to his new Pediatrician and he has grown to 97% in height for his age...almost 40 inches!!!!!! No wonder the kid is rail thin!!!! and in a size 9 shoe....he skipped 8 altogether : )

Anyway, Happy Turkey Day everyone! Check us out again soon for more visits to a famous Mouse we all know and love : )

Wednesday, November 07, 2007


Well Joey's 3rd Halloween was AWESOME! He was Capt. Hook (this was VERY MUCH at his insistence since I wanted him to be something else- a good guy like Peter Pan for instance) and I was Mrs. Smee. I tried to paint a mustache on him too, but there was going to be none of that!!!

Here we are getting dressed. You can see the kid is pumped and ready to go...

Joey has made a friend in the neighborhood so his new pal Declan and his parents went with us. One cul-de-sac setup a whole table of goodies. Here are the boys surveying the goodies.

And then, the two buddies insisted on not moving any further until lollipop (or as Joey calls them Popsicles) samples were made available for tasting

The two of them trick or treating with Bill keeping a watchful eye. Joey loved peoples houses, in fact he started to walk right in a few : ) He was great at knocking, saying trick or treat AND was really super-stupendous at saying thank you. We had practiced and I was quite proud of him.

Capt Hook saying come along folks....he was always running ahead of all of us. One time when I was talking to a neighbor he turned around and said "Come Mama, trick or treat time!"

A lot of our neighbors got into the act. Joey loved the JoJo lady (JoJo is a clown on Playhouse Disney Cartoons: )

I have to say though....his favorite of the night was seeing all the "friendly monsters" and giving them candy. One little boy was dressed as Thomas and was being shy and Joey took him candy and said "Take candy Thomas". He had a BLAST!!

These girls thought he was the cutest thing since sliced bread...and actually I agree with them!!!!


Halloween Decor

October was an INSANE month for us, but we maneged to actually get some Halloween Decorations out finally and Joey had a blast with all of it. Now he is asking when we are decorating for Christmas!

So here are some pre-Halloween pics I meant to get posted earlier, Halloween is coming soon : )

Almost first thing Joey found his costume from last year. He wanted to put it on and it was small but he loved wearing it around. Here is his monster growl face.

Showing Skellie how to shake hands...very cute!

More funny faces "helping" Da with the decorations

Is this where spiders go?

I'll fix it Mama! What a good little helper I have

Watching Da carve the big pumpkin

Helping Mama with our smaller pumpkin. The kit we bought for this one was great, kind of like a Lite Bright for Pumpkins with little pins Joey could hammer in...he loved being able to help. Very important to him, Mr. Independent. We had 3 pumpkins but we soon learned in Florida you do NOT leave your pumpkins outside.....they quickly rot in the heat :)

Checking out the finished product

Finally we had a costume show to determine what Joey would go as on Halloween night...
Will he hook us all

or steal out cookies? Stay tuned to find out : )