Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Moving Day(s)

Well we are all moved!!! Here are pictures of our three day move : ) The packers, loaders and drivers were all very nice and FAST. Joey had fun with all the commotion and thought the big semi parked in our drive for 2 days was awesome!!!
Here he is on the loading ramp...we kept having to pull him out of the way :)

Inside the truck...can you believe we took up a whole semi!!!!

Having fun on the empty bookshelves

Saying goodbye the last night in his room...very sad. Since he was very small he has asked his Da to hold him up to see Owl.

Knock-knock on Pooh's Door

Pooh's Red Balloon

He LOVED his bee's

We will all really miss that room we so lovingly painted while waiting on our little miracle to arrive : )

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