Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Friday, October 19, 2007

New House and Guests already : )

We have been in our new house almost 2 weeks now and we still have boxes and boxes and boxes. It is driving Bill crazy and he is in turn driving me crazy : ) Also, one of our packers was very sick when she came to our house to pack and wouldn't you know it Joey and I have been hacking our lungs out ever since. Joey is adjusting well but was a little homesick this week. He kept asking to go to the "old house" and to "Nana's house"...stay tuned though we are going to see if we can cheer him up this weekend with a little trip to a certain mouses house : )
Here is our little man among a sea of boxes.

We have had some visitors to our new house already...but not the human kind. Who knew a tropical backyard had so many creatures : ) We already have a designated bowl that says "Lizards Only". Joey calls them Lizzies and tries to catch as many as he can. He loves to show me so I can act terrified : )

Another visitor came in the house hiding in our shoes. (We have since learned in Florida you DO NOT keep your shoes outside or in the garage. A big huge ugly warty toad...but Joey thought he was GREAT!!!! He still hangs out in the backyard : ) Eating our mosquitoes...yay!

Joey and Da freeing our Toad

Now for our favorite resident.....I say that because I think he lives on our back patio...a beautiful tree frog. He changes colors and watches us as much as we watch him. He is an awesome addition to our life. We caught him at first to get a closer look. You can see Joey is in awe!

Peek-a-boo, I see you

Finally this week we were all able to get out and is Joey at our Neighborhood Pool Club. He is trying to decide which one to jump in...the sprinkler pool is like ICE!!!!

There was no one at the pool and the Manager told me that in the "summer" there were more people. I had to laugh because it was a balmy 90 degrees or more when she said fact I did not use sunscreen and burned..... : )

and last but not least we FINALLY made it to the can see Joey was SO HAPPY!!!!! he took off with him arms in the air and I had to chase after him!!! The shells were great and the water was of all it took about 5 minutes to get there from our house :) I think we have a beach baby on our hands....Lord help me if he starts to surf. The surfers were out there and he thought they were great!!!

Anyway, if anybody wants to visit the beach, come stay with us!!! Four empty bedrooms upstairs....2 pools...2 playgrounds...a fishing dock...5 mins to the beach and 1 1/2 hours to Disney. Love and miss everyone!!!!!

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