(Or as he calls it Mickey Mouses House)
First...forgive the amount of pics, there were too many to choose from (in 2 1/2 days we took over 150). Joeys first trip to Disneyworld was the BEST! His favorite part over everything else were the characters and his favorite ride was the teacups...if we got near them we had to ride them!
We arrived on Friday night and could not wait so we checked in quickly and caught the first bus to the Magic Kingdom. Here's Bill and Joey on Main Street.

We got to Cinderella's Castle just in time for the fireworks. This was Joey's face when Tinkerbell flew over top of us : ) You see he was AMAZED!

Next we walked around and the only ride without a line was the first we rode and then 2 days later the last we rode, the Teacups became Joeys favorite ride. He loved to see my face when Da would spin us round and round (I get sick)...here is his impression of me :)

Then we went to see the man himself Mickey Mouse in toontown. Joey was SO excited he kept hugging and kissing Mickey and ooohhing and ahhhing over him. It was even making all the other people in line say how cute he was. You could tell it was an amazing experience for him to meet Mickey in person!!! Just look at that hug.

So we woke up bright and early Saturday and Joey immediately asked to go to Mickey's House : ) So we caught the train to Frontier land..oh wait did I say TRAIN!! Joey loved the train, of course!! When the whistle blew he would say "all aboard" very cute!

Almost right away in Frontier land we met some people we knew. Joey was so excited waiting to see Jessie and Woody I thought he might not be able to stand it.
Here he is waiting like a good boy, but you can see on his face...it is very hard!!!

Finally the moment and he is star-struck

Our whole family with the Woody Round-up gang...well except one other and he is coming up! Joey also got a kiss from Jessie and talked about Jessie "his girlfriend" and how he kissed her all day :)

So then we headed 'round the corner and who do we see, Captain Hook and Smee! I think Joey was on overload at this point and could not believe his eyes!!! Stay tuned more Capt Hook in a later post...he is after all Joey's Favorite!

After watching the Tiki Birds, riding Pirates, Jungle Cruise and walking Swiss Family we decided to head back to the Haunted Mansion (Joey had ridden it the night before and was requesting more ghosts!!!) Who do you think we came upon? The entire Woody's Round-up Gang and a bunch of pretty cowgirls. Here is Joey's face when he saw them!!!!

The cowgirls picked a few handsome boys and girls to dance with them and of course Joey was in the bunch!!!

Then they were told to dance around the "mountains aka the adults" to "She'll Be Coming "Round the Mountain"- the other kids were a little shy....but not our bucking bronco he danced his little feet off.

Then he got to meet the one he was looking for.....Bullseye! We had no idea he liked Bullseye that much, but the kid loves him!!!!

The next day was Sunday and our last day and again we went to the Magic Kingdom. We entered early AM using the Extra Magic Hours for parents of Toddlers staying at a Disney Hotel (highly recommend this feature) Wouldn't you know it we walked in and Mickey and Pluto were organizing a game of Duck-duck Goose and Joey joined in.
He was so patient waiting for Mickey to choose. Look at his face...so cute who wouldn't pick him!!!!

I LOVE this pic, you can see what he is thinking..."Pick me, pick me" looking up at Mickey with such adoration!!!!

Guess what boys and girls!!!! Mickey DID pick him! The light of a 2 1/2 yr olds life - being chosen by Mickey!!!!!!

Mickey took him by the hand and they went around Duck, duck, duck,

Duck, duck.....

Goose...Joey chose Pluto!!

Then before the end of a wonderful trip to Disney Joey saw some of his other favorites.
Giving Goofy a Hug

Laughing with Chip and Dale....he LOVES Chip and Dale.

THE END!!! For now....