Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, August 27, 2007

Were home and we found a home!!!!!

Well finally we are home from Florida! We had a great trip and found a house, yay!!!! Our new house is 5 bedrooms and 3.5 baths so we are excited for guests!!! Especially since it is ONLY 3.7 miles to the beach from our driveway!!!!
Joey had a few mishaps though, as you can see here with his first black-eye ever. We were at Toys-R-Us searching for a road toy when he fell and hit a display face first. Poor baby. Then while house hunting I noticed he was shivering and was hot as off to St Lukes Emergency room in Jacksonville where he had a 104.9 Degree temp!!! When I saw it I gasped out loud and felt kind of faint. But turns out it was just an ear infection and the next day after some Ibuprofen, Tylenol and Amoxicillian he was all better and we headed out to Longboat Key....more on that later so stay tuned.
Joey snooping around our new house, this is the 2 story loft overlooking the family room and kitchen...a cool area.
Waving at Mama

Opening and slamming drawers, what fun!
Stay tuned for Longboat Key pictures : )

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Happy Birthday Da!!

Happy Birthday to Bill, Joey's Da!
I won't say how old he is :) haha It has become a tradition for us to go to Big Eds on Da's birthday. So here are my boys enjoying pizza and cheesing for the camera
Joey waiting patiently to get his handful of cheese, we kept making him say "Cheese Please"

Joey and Da blowing out the candle together (Joey thought it was still his bday :) This is a funny story because I HAD a cool Star Wars cake made for Bill. Joey and I left to pick it up and Joey was so excited to get what he kept calling "Da's cake". We brought it home and I put it in the laundry room on top of the dryer and closed the door. Next thing you know I can't find Joey and then I hear "See Da's Cake" a thud and an "uh-oh". Cake was all over the place!! At first I was mad, but then I started laughing and we went back out and got a cookie cake and stuck Yoda on it. Who knew the kid was #1 that tall and #2 could open doors! Funny story!!!!!
Opening Da's presents

Also, wanted to include some pics of Da's Shopping Center. Stores are finally open, yayayayayay!!! We are so proud and happy of him. Can you believe this used to be houses!!!
Meijer Grand Opening!! Meijer is like an upscale SuperTarget located mainly in the Midwest, an awesome store!!
Good side view, what a great design!!!
Also, a little update...we have sold our house and are headed to Jacksonville sometime soon to buy another. We don't move until Sept 27th, but that will be here before we know it. Stay tuned for pics from our new home and the beach!

Thursday, August 02, 2007

2 Year Old Checkup

Well, Joey had his 2 year old checkup today, unfortunately his last with Dr. Padgett and her great staff! He weighed in at 28 lbs 9 oz (56th Percentile) and is 35 1/2" Tall (78th Percentile) a great relief to Bill and I since the kid seems like he hardly eats enough to keep a bird alive. Dr Padgett also said she was very impressed with his great talking, she said he is very advanced in talking and putting together sentences.
Here are his 2 year old pictures, our little conductor.

With his tongue out, a Joey trait when he is concentrating

A beautiful profile