Well we just got back from a great trip with the Gallmans, Foxes, Roberts and a bunch of others to Ocean Isle, NC. It was an awesome and much needed trip! The whole time Joey kept saying "Yay Beach!" Actually he still asks almost everyday to go to the beach....but that is a problem that might soon be remedied (wink-wink for those of you who know what I am talking about)
The Zanoni's with Uncle Rick
Joey touching his fish that Bill caught for him, everyday he would ask his Da to "catch fish"
Drawing in the sand, we have been working on lines and circles, he has the lines down pat

Playing with Uncle Rick and having a blast...can't you tell :)

Playing with Uncle Rick and having a blast...can't you tell :)
Playing with Aunt Martha is just as much fun!!!! What a lucky boy to have people who love him so much! (PS - the adorable overalls he has on they bought for him too!)
Joey loved throwing shells in the water and watching them go splash and sink to the bottom.

Showing me more shells he found.

Showing me more shells he found.

Walking with Da and his bestest pal Benjamin....Joey loved sharing a condo and his time with Benjamin and Nicolas.
Playing ball with Nicolas what fun he always is!!!!
Copying Uncle Rick...funny pic.

Playing with the Blue Crab Da caught Him.....the crab was not very happy at all!!

Playing with the Blue Crab Da caught Him.....the crab was not very happy at all!!

In the pool with Mom

Digging was a favorite...see the big hole he dug. (one of the adorable twins Cole or Chase in the back there looking on)

Digging was a favorite...see the big hole he dug. (one of the adorable twins Cole or Chase in the back there looking on)

A good group pic of Joey, Bill, Rick, Martha and Grandaddy Fox taking it easy under the tent

An awesome pic of Bill and Joey

Unfortunately I somehow missed pics of some important people like Molly, Jeff, Laura Grandmother, Joe, etc.....but I am still downloading pics and may add more later if I find any more good ones.
1 comment:
What a GREAT TIME - We love you all!
Check out myspace for a pic of Joey & Nicholas.
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