Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Happy Fathers Day!

Happy Fathers Day to all the wonderful fathers we know, but most importantly to Bill, Joey's Da. Joey and I are so blessed that God gave us the best Da in the whole world. He cant wait to spend time with his son, every spare minute of his life.
Just look at this first picture, Bill's face is nothing but complete peace and bliss to be holding his tired little boy.
Giving Da his present this morning
Giving Da his card. Joey insisted on this card even though I had another in mind it was Joey's card to his Da so I had to give in.

At a great toys store Bill took us to, Johnny's Toys in Ky. Two boys enjoying the model trains. Choo-choo!

and the slide

and the fishing

Also wanted to post some pics of Bill shopping center, we are so proud of him!!!!! This area was woods and some small houses and just look at it now. What an accomplishment!!!!!! Not many men have the imagination, skill and smarts to pull something like this off, but my husband and Joey's Da did! What a lucky girl and boy we are : )

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