Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Day Out with Thomas

Sunday afternoon we headed to the Chattanooga Railroad Museum for a Day out with Joey's favorite train Thomas. I am not sure if I have ever seen him that excited (maybe when he saw Santa).
Here is Bill and Joey walking in to see all the cool trains!
Of course we had to visit Sir Top 'm Hat....Joey was so thrilled, just look at that smile!
And the petting zoo, Joey really wanted to see the cows, but being the overprotective Mother that I am I did not let him pet the animals since there were not any nearby facilities for washing. But he watched them and said moo at them : )
Then he got his pic with both parents in front of Thomas, it was all we could do to get him to look at the camera and not Thomas. He kept saying "Hi Thom"

Waiting in line to board the train with great anticipation.

Giving his very own ticket to the conductor
A very happy and excited boy to be on board Thomas!!!!!!!

Timeout to give Mama a kiss!!! Sweet boy

Watching the world go by in awe

Waving Bye-bye to Thomas and the Conductor

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