Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Visit with the Easter Bunny

We took Joey to have his photo taken with the Easter Bunny at the mall and he was so excited. We also took him again this year to get his picture taken with live bunnies, if you would like to see how they turned out.... the proofs should be up tomorrow at , go to previews and enter session ID: Zanoni033107 ( the Z must be caps). They do a GREAT JOB and we would recommend them to anybody!!
Waiting in line, the excitement can see he is rearing to go.
Finally its our turn and he takes off like a flash.
And lands like this in the Easter Bunnies lap...I think the entire staff did a collective "awwww". Joey is real into hugs and kisses right now.
We could hardly get him to stop talking to him and face forward for the pic.
This kid loves the holidays!!!!!!!!!

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