Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Happy Easter

Happy Easter everybody! We had a great, relaxing day. Here is Joey eating a chocolate bunny!!
His stuff from the Easter Bunny!
Seeing it for the first time.

Loving on his new lamb who he calls Baa Baa

It was so cold we decided to setup an indoor egg hunt and Joey had a blast searching for and finding the eggs and goodies.

Then we packed up and went to Grandmother and Grandaddy Foxes for a delicious Easter dinner. Joey liked "tickling" Jeff's beard.
Giving Martha a hug

Cuddling with Grandaddy

Of course it wouldn't be Easter unless we stopped in to see Nana. Joey loves his Nana so much he cried when we had to leave. Playing with the talking bunny he got at her house along with a ton of other goodies.
Giving out more kisses.
A beautiful family

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