Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, November 27, 2006

Happy Turkey Day!!!!

We hope everybody had a great Thanksgiving. Here are a few pics from ours. Unfortunately we didn't take a lot of pics...maybe 'cause we were tired or too stuffed : )
Here is Joey with his cousin Gabe. What a cute pair of gobblers ; )

With his beautiful cousin Tiffy, he wanted to play with her Ipod...and she let him...what a SWEETIE!

With the always gorgeous and playful Kelsey. (For some reason we had no pics of Whitney and Joey....but we will be sure to get some next time.)

The we headed over to Grandmother and Grandaddy Foxes for some absolutely fabulous cream corn and apple pie. Here is my Aunt Martha and Joey's Grandma Martha (as he will call her) letting him play the piano. He had a blast and ran around like a wild man- with Martha never far behind him. Doesn't he look like a natural!!!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Christmas Card Pictures & Happy Thanksgiving

Some of you may remember the great Christmas pictures I was able to take here at home last year with a white sheet and a few props. They turned out so great...I thought I would do the same this year. Well this is a whole new ball game folks!!!!!
Joey had no patience for me and let me know it too! In this first picture he is really mad at me...can you tell??? He's still cute even though he is mad and pouting.
Then he wouldn't sit still or keep his hat on.

And he thought he should be taking the pics instead of me.
Finally one where he is sitting : )
Trying to climb in his toy chest
So then I thought maybe it was the suit that wasn't comfy so we moved to PJ's....Obviously that did not work either.


Friday, November 17, 2006

Misc Stuff....

Just a few misc. pics from the past few weeks. This is a great pic...we had been TRYING to get a holiday photo of Joey in his PJs (more on that coming up later) with Rusty and in a Santa hat. So as he headed upstairs to bed I had the camera and he turned to wave at me, holding his best buddy Rusty Bear. What a cutie...if only he had his Santa hat on...darn!!!
And here he is playing a recorder I bought him...he loves it and actually plays pretty well.
Here is my grown up boy "reading" to himself. You can see he sets himself up with a sippie next to him and you can't see it, but his play cell phone is next to him also. If I go over and try to read to him he gets mad at me. He will mumble aloud to himself and occasionally a real word sneaks in : )

Here he is in his adorable hat, everybody says how cute he is in it. Daddy can always make him smile and laugh.
Me and him at our special tree, Joey loves to plant a kiss on me when we meet on either side of this tree. A special moment for Mom.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Leia Renee Lankford

Welcome to the world and our family!!!!
Leia Renee Lankford
Born: October 25, 2006 at 1:42 pm
7 lbs 8 oz
Leia is the new daughter of my cousin Ted and his wonderful wife Be. So Leia is Joey's 2nd cousin. We cannot wait to meet her in person : )
What a beauty!!!!!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Halloween #2

Joey's 2nd Halloween was wonderful. He was able to Trick-or-treat around 10 houses and had a great time! He blew kisses to everyone that gave him candy.
Here he is with his Da (as Joey calls him). Can you tell those two are related? This pic really shows how much Joey looks like his Daddy!
Here is Catmom and Joey all ready to prowl the night : )

With the adorable girl next door, Faith. She went as Jojo the clown (isn't she just so CUTE!!) and they were so cute together. I love this pic 'cause they look deep in conversation. We might be in trouble in about 12-13 years......
And this one Joey is hamming it up!!
Here he is eating some of his Halloween candy. Kit Kats are by far his favorite and he is eating one here sitting in his favorite chair probably with Rusty bear in his lap.

For those of you who didn't get to see it some pics of the house all done up. This year Bill built a grave digger that actually dug and had glowing red eyes (he used my chocolate fondue fountain : )
STAY TUNED....we have some pics of a new family addition coming in the next few days....... (and for those of you with inquiring it is not me and no I am not getting pregnant with #2 again soon.)

Pumpkin Carving

Our family of pumpkins, all carved and lit up in Halloween night
Our cutie picking out our pumpkins
Here he is helping me poke holes in the pumpkin for cutting, you can see he got rather upset when there were no more holes to poke.

Helping Da draw a face on
Taking out the guts, and stirring them : )
Checking out his finished product

PS - Yes that is me with the short hair, I donated 13 inches to Lock of Love. If you have excess hair consider donating it to this great charity.