Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Halloween Decor

Well we have been TRYING to decorate for Halloween and Joey is having a blast with all of the decorations...he isn't scared one bit and makes sure to greet Edward our scary butler and Al the Axeman every morning with great big Hellos and waves. Here he is hamming it up in the witches is some Joey stew, sure is sweet!!!
Here he is playing with our funny cat
He keeps stealing the bones (and tombstones) from Dads is driving Dad CRAZY!!! He likes to grab the long bones and hit things...he looks like Bam-bam from the Flintstones
Here he is with our skeleton door curtain...don't count on seeing it hanging this year....Joey likes it better around his neck.
Our nicely placed witch didn't stay there too long.....a great playmate for Joey.
Joey got fairly angry with us for putting this strange skeleton in his rocker...its okay for Rusty Bear to sit there he is a pal...but a stranger in my rocker...NO WAY!!!
Here he is "helping" us unpack a box....he LOVES the snakes and bugs.
And rolling the pumpkin, definitely fun for a little boy

1 comment:

Terry said...

I'm glad to see that he likes the snakes and bugs. When his dad was his age Bill's dad scared him with a rubber snake and it took us several years before he would even go down the toy isle where they were let alone pick one up!