Joey fought the silver and the silver won!!!
This morning we had a little mishap that resulted in 2 stitches on Joey's head and assorted other bumps, scrapes and bruises. Joey has been told about 5 million times not to play with our silver cabinet and we did not think he could lift it -full of silver, but this morning I turned the corner to see the silver cabinet fall over onto my son. Man alive did I scream!!!! At first I thought he must be really hurt, but I lifted it off of him and up he jumped up and ran off.....knowing he was playing with a no-no. I chased after him, the blood pouring off his head. I scoped him up and called the DR and Bill. I think I could have won a Nascar driving to the Dr who checked him out and said he was a very BLESSED boy to only need 2 stitches. He was very brave getting his stitches...but Mom just about passed out!!!!!

GO VOLS!!!!!! Joey all ready for the game!!! Trying to get him ready he kept running over and sitting in his rocker.

We started getting out Halloween (yes I know its early) and here is some of the stuff Joey has liked to play with...isn't he SCARY : )
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