Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Happy Bday Mom

Joey's Mom is 25!!!!! I wish...actually can I have my brain now and body then???? Anyway we celebrated by going to Cincinnati (sp?) with Dad.
Here I am opening my present from Joey: ) (I am in my nightgown-early AM)

We also went to a great little play area in a mall for Joey and he had a blast! Here he is on the Merry-go-round.
Me and him climbing around the jungle gym ( incidentally these things have changed quite a bit since I was a kid)
Dad and Joey looking down at Mom from the helicopter.

Joey driving the jungle truck..he was VERY serious about driving just right.
See the concentration....
Me and Joey on the snake slide
Dad and Joey on the snake slide

A cute pic of me and Joey on the drive home.

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