Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Big Boy!!!

It seems like I went to bed one night recently, woke up and my baby had been replaced by a little boy. His vocabulary is incredible (including things we don't want him to say like sh*t...Katie tried to warn us: ) He mimics everything and his favorite word to say is bannanananana. Also he has been showing a great interest in the toilet for a long time, so we got him his own to sit on while we are in there...that way he doesn't try to push us off and climb up himself : ) Or he stands by his Dad and copies him time even peeing on the floor after his bath...right next to Bill and the toilet.
Anyway, here he is on his new Royal Potty.
He was VERY irritated that we were trying to take pics of him, he kept closing the door....don't you know a boy needs PRIVATE time on the potty.

Finally, here he is on the big boy swing, with a little support from Dad he is good to go...and so proud of himself.

Stay tuned for Halloween pics coming up next....Joey is adorable while we decorate...or should I say TRY to decorate : ) Christmas is going to be WILD!!!!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Happy Bday Mom

Joey's Mom is 25!!!!! I wish...actually can I have my brain now and body then???? Anyway we celebrated by going to Cincinnati (sp?) with Dad.
Here I am opening my present from Joey: ) (I am in my nightgown-early AM)

We also went to a great little play area in a mall for Joey and he had a blast! Here he is on the Merry-go-round.
Me and him climbing around the jungle gym ( incidentally these things have changed quite a bit since I was a kid)
Dad and Joey looking down at Mom from the helicopter.

Joey driving the jungle truck..he was VERY serious about driving just right.
See the concentration....
Me and Joey on the snake slide
Dad and Joey on the snake slide

A cute pic of me and Joey on the drive home.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Florida Tailgating!!!

Forgive my tardiness in posting this, but we went to Cincinnati the first of the week and now Joey has a stomach bug (can you tell I am having him around other kids more- bugs, bugs, bugs- maybe he will build up that immunity before too long)
Anyway, here we are tailgating at the Florida Game...we had a blast!!!
Joey with Aunt Martha, Laura and Grandmother Fox
Flirting with the camera as always
Joe and Joey....double trouble for sure

Between beautiful women...Molly and Amy every mans dream : )
Uncle Rick.....the grillmeister

Becky and Joey flirting : )
My boys ready for the game

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Joey fought the silver and the silver won!!!!

Joey fought the silver and the silver won!!!
This morning we had a little mishap that resulted in 2 stitches on Joey's head and assorted other bumps, scrapes and bruises. Joey has been told about 5 million times not to play with our silver cabinet and we did not think he could lift it -full of silver, but this morning I turned the corner to see the silver cabinet fall over onto my son. Man alive did I scream!!!! At first I thought he must be really hurt, but I lifted it off of him and up he jumped up and ran off.....knowing he was playing with a no-no. I chased after him, the blood pouring off his head. I scoped him up and called the DR and Bill. I think I could have won a Nascar driving to the Dr who checked him out and said he was a very BLESSED boy to only need 2 stitches. He was very brave getting his stitches...but Mom just about passed out!!!!!

GO VOLS!!!!!! Joey all ready for the game!!! Trying to get him ready he kept running over and sitting in his rocker.
We started getting out Halloween (yes I know its early) and here is some of the stuff Joey has liked to play with...isn't he SCARY : )