Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Happy Birthday Abbie!!!

Happy Birthday Abbie!!!!
Wishing a very happy 3rd birthday to Joey's cousin Abbie! Unfortunately due to a terrible cold Joey and I have we could not go to her birthday party, but this is a great picture just the same of Abbie and Joey.
Another good picture of Abbie, Joey and Abbie's brother Dominic. Abbie is letting Joey play her recorder : )

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Misc Updates and Gatlinburg

Nothing big to report...Joey is cutting his molars (fun fun) and loves to go to the playground and play with other kids. At the playground we go to all the other Mothers call him the Ladies Man because he is such a HUGE FLIRT with all the girls. I even noticed he does not like to share with the boys but if a girl is using his truck he doesnt seem to boy! He is so adept at walking and running and loves to climb up and sit on the couch or his rocker. Shape sorting and stacking are now his favorite things and he is pretty good at it!

Weekend before last, on a whim, we headed up to Gatlinburg. We went to the Aquarium and Boyds Bear Country.

We soon discovered things changed a whole lot, Joey still loved the fish, but loved the playground and other kids WAY more!!! See me there...just call me helicopter mother...hover hover hover. None the less Joey is still very indepedent minded and strong willed, wonder where on earth he would have gotten a personality like that :)

Ahoy mates!!!!

I am not sure who was more interested in whom, this crab and Joey were both checking each other out:)Maybe Joey was thinking yummy crab legs....
At Bear Country Joey tried on his own set of bear ears...very cute.
Here he is when we asked him to give the bear a hug.
Gearing up for the BIG holiday already, Joey was very excited to see Santa.
From the home front, Joey has found a new hiding spot and it is no longer home to the pots and pans but to Joey Zanoni :) This is his ABSOLUTE FAVORITE spot to hide and boo Mommy. (Its funny he hides behind a particular chair to boo Daddy)

Friday, August 11, 2006

Happy Birthday Dada!!!

Happy Birthday to Joey's Dada!!!!
We went to Big Eds to celebrate Bill's birthday, this was Joey's first visit ever and we all had a blast - not to mention still the BEST pizza ever!
Here you can see Joey is enjoying his first piece of pizza, he ate 1 1/2 pieces...not shabby for a little guy!!!
And here he is doing his now infamous poking of his food before he will eat it : )

Back at the house we opened gifts and had cookie cake.
Here is Bill opening his gift from Joey a hat & shirt that says Super Dad.
Reading his card from Joey
"Talking" about Dada's new movie

Blowing out the candles
Another flashback picture: Joey and Dada on Dada's Birthday Last Year. Joey was 3 weeks old.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

1 Year Checkup

Well we went to Joey's 1 year checkup this week. Joey weighed in at 23 lb 7oz and was 29 3/4 inches tall. The Dr said he is doing great and even said she thought his aptitude and development was that of an 18 month old - which of course makes Mommy and Daddy VERY PROUD!!!
It is so hard to believe that a year has gone by...the changes are incredible. Anyway how about a little flashback for reference.
Here is a picture of the little guy inside me! This is me painting clouds in the nursery. I am about 5 1/2 months here - I love this pic because we were still in the closet about the pregnancy but you can see that Joey had definitely made his presence known. Needless to say we "came out" soon after : )

And here is his hospital picture he weighed in at 6 lbs 11 oz and 19 3/4 inches long next to a current picture- can you believe the change. He has gained 17 lbs and grown 10 inches!!

Anyway on to some pictures from the last few weeks:
I read that kids at this age have security objects and Joey is no exception - in fact he has TWO!!
Here is his soft Rusty Bear who must be in his crib for sleeping and who he likes to drag around.
Most importantly Joey with his Wubi blanket (wrapped around him here) with Wubi is much better than life without...believe me. I fact he is so attached to this blanket that I ran out and bought 2 replacements JUST IN CASE!!
Here he is with his toy broom, he loves to help me sweep the floors...and he is actually very skilled at it!!
Just a funny hairdo after we got in from swimming..Joeys hair seems to be getting a little wavy on us lately and so it is going in ALL directions!!
And as promised more birthday pics!!