Hi Everybody! I hope everyone had a safe and fun Fourth!!! We had fun as you will see below!! Joey absolutely loved the fireworks.
As most of you know it isn't long until Joeys First birthday!!!!!! and already he has started getting presents.
This morning there was a gigantic box on the front porch from Fedex addressed to the birthday boy himself, as tall as Joey...so we put him in and let him check it out for himself. You can see he liked it!!

It was Big Orange Vols Rocker from Uncle Rick and Aunt Martha, just the right size forJoey. As Bill unwrapped it he would not let go and wanted to help.

And right away he climbed up and started going to town. You can see it is a big hit!!!

Then he discovered he could stand and rock too!!!! My little fearless boy!!!

All day he has been either sitting or standing in his rocker. He can climb up all by himself and can get down by rocking it forward all by himself!!!! It is a great gift and one that I am sure will be passed down to Joey's own Lil' Vol one day!!!!.
spHowever, this was not Joey's first gift...that came last week from Laura, Joe, Benjamin and Nicholas Roberts. Benjamin and Nicholas picked out this tool kit for him and he has been carrying it around ever since and can even put the shapes in the right places...well the star and circle : ) He loves to walk around and "drill" things with the play drill. Just like Dad!

spFor Joey's first July 4th we spent a quiet day at home.... I had bought some props to try and get Joey to pose as an Uncle Sam. He was not too keen on my idea and here are some of the shots I tried to get...funny : )

We went outside to see the fireworks and use some of our own....and Joey even found his own way to light up with our red,white and blue yard lights.
He loved it when him and Dad lit some sparklers together

Last weekend we went to Huntsville to my cousin Molly's wedding reception. It was a BLAST!!!!!! Here is a great picture of Joey and his Great Aunt Martha (really she is kind of like a Grandma to him -she and Rick spoil him so much! But she sure doesn't look like a Grandma :)

Me, Joey and Bobby - My 3rd cousin and Joey's 4th cousin!!!! I am so glad Joey got to meet him and I hope we get to see him again SOON!!!

Finally a Public Service announcement from Joey....