Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, May 28, 2006

We have a walker!!!!!!

Well the day has finally 10 months and one week we have a real-live, no holding on, one foot after the other walker!
This morning Joey was taking about a dozen steps at a time and then all of a sudden this evening he is off and walking around like nobodys business.
Aren't I cute Mommy!
Catch me if you can!!!

Weee this if fun!
I can even walk while chewing on my finger
At first he had some trouble walking from one surface to the next, like from carpet to linoleum but soon he had that mastered too!
Now don't get me wrong he is definitely putting the "toddle" in toddler but it is so awesome to watch him walk around all by himself!!! And he is so proud : ) and so are we :)

Sunday, May 21, 2006

10 months old and just a swingin'

Joey turned 10 months on Friday and it is so hard to believe how fast the year has gone. He took his first steps last week and is still standing and taking a couple everyday, I am sure that one day soon he will just take off.
Yesterday, Bill built Joey his first swing set and Joey loved it! He gets VERY UPSET and screams when we take him out.
Doesn't he look huge in the swing??

The other favorite pastime lately is pushing his cars, Joey is in LOVE with any item with wheels, I swear he spends hours just pushing them and trying to say vroom vroom.
He even takes them up the stairs with him.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

First "real-live" steps and the BEACH!!!

Let me warn you this is a large post! Sorry : )
First let me say yesterday Joey took his first steps!!! and he has been doing it ever since. My friend Katie came to the door so I put Joey down standing up (he has been standing for a while) and next thing we both know he is walking. I think both of us were very shocked!!! He took about 5 steps and dropped down and now whenever we stand him up he takes a few steps each time. We are so excited...soon I say we will have a full-on walker!
Now for the beach!
This is my favorite picture from the beach...I know you can't see any faces but I think it is a classic Father & son shot. Joey absolutely loved the waves hitting his feet and the wet sand and shells. However, once he got into the dry sand and it stuck to his skin he got very mad and we would have to go rinse him off.

Here he is touching the shells, he loved the rippled ones!
Him and I checking out the ocean...check out the big bruise on his head too! A little clash with the fireplace hearth : )
Making handprints in the sand!
Dad and Joey splashing...the kid is BIG into splashing : ) He loved to splash with his feet while he walked too!
He would crush sandcastles as fast as we could make them-fun!
Here is our water baby ready for a dip in the pool
Splashing again!
All bundled up in his shark towel and ready for lunch
Joey wanted to move independently around the pool but crawling hurt his knees so it didn't take long and he was walking around like a monkey on his hands and feet....everybody got a big kick out of it, and he is still doing the "monkey walk" at home

Here is Joey's first train ride with Daddy

And his first Merry-go-round ride with Mommy.

We liked it so much we went again the next day and rode a lion this time

Joey and Mom at Margaritaville... but we told Joey no margaritas until he is 2-bummer!! Just kidding of course!! Very cool restaurant and store...but the food wasn't as good as we thought. Great Margaritas though, Mom sacrificed and tested one out...just like Mom to take one for the team :)

Here is Joey with Arnold at Planet Hollywood. Not even 10 months and already hanging with the stars.

Joey and Dad with the Blues Brothers car at House of Blues-very cool place!!
Dad dreaming about buying this chopper...if only we had $40,000 laying around he would have bought it. It was the beginning of bike week and Joey loved the motorcycles -he would get so excited at the engine sound...Bill and I are in big trouble.

Finally the highlight of the trip. We never thought he would get much out of it but Joey LOVED the Ripleys Aquarium. We all had the best time.
His very favorite the Jellyfish...just look at that face!
One small step for babies everywhere! at the Mars exhibit in Ripleys
Joey loved the stingrays and sharks, look at the top of the picture and you can see a hammerhead above us.
Checking out the horseshoe crabs
The fish peek-a-boo wall-great smile
Wow, look at that big fish Dad!!

It was amazing how engrossed Joey was by all the animals. He would point at them and watch them - he was way more interested than I ever would have thought! Can't wait to take him to the zoo!

Happy Mothers Day!

Happy Mothers Day to everybody! Here is my little man on Mothers Day. In case you can't read it his shirt says "Mom" : )

And here is the breakfast in bed that Joey and Daddy made for sweet!!!!
And...yes I know everybody is waiting on the beach pictures and I will have them up by tomorrow I promise!!

Monday, May 01, 2006

Lost and Found

Well, sorry it has been so long since I updated. Nothing huge to report just lots of little things...Joey has 7 teeth now and two more on the way : ) He can actually take bites of his graham crackers now and he thinks the sound is GREAT!! He can stand for forever and walk holding onto only one of our hands, he has taken three steps one his own but then he drops down and crawls. I KNOW he can walk and I am just waiting for the day he is off : ) He has a vocabulary that only Mom and Dad can understand but he says Dada (mostly), Mama, Doggie, Na-na (this is his no-no) and he does a great Hi with a double handed wave. At a shopping center the other day he kept saying Hi to people and waving and they all made a fuss over him!

Anyway I was cleaning the house (miracle of the ages) and I found a black and white disposable camera we took to the hospital when Joey was born and I had the pics developed...below are some of the best shots along with a shot I took this morning for comparison.

We are going to the beach next week so I won't update for about a week or so but be sure to check back for Joey's first beach trip...I am sure we will have a lot to update!

2 Days Old space space spaThis morning -9 Months & 2+ weeks

Oh my being a newborn is tough
Daddys pride and joy!!

I am so blessed with so much more than I deserve...what a beautiful baby boy!!!
Dads chest-nice and comfy!!!!