Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Daddy, Daddy, Daddy!!!!

Well, as some of you may already know Joey started saying Daddy the other night and has not stopped....sure he said Mama first but only like Mamamamama and only when upset and he wants to be loved on.... soo oh well that's okay it sure is cute and he loves it (with CONSTANT encourage from Bill of course) we can be driving down the street and he hasn't seen Bill all day and he will be back there going Daddy, Dadddeeee, Daddy and hard as I try I cannot steer him to Mommy unless he is upset. Anyway here are some pics from the past week.
Here he is practicing with his sippy, he is actually getting pretty good at it.
And here he is trying his first "REAL" fruit a frozen banana - you can see he liked it!
Here he is crawling through his play gym.

Last but not least here are pics of our little guy pulling up on the couch...he has become ABSOLUTELY FEARLESS and will pull up on anything- Bill and I were not even close to prepared for this and we are FREAKING OUT! He has pulled up on his high chair, most of our furniture, he tries to pull up on all of his toys, gyms, etc. You can see when he is going to try to do something new and fearless he sticks out his tongue and concentrates real hard.
Below is our one handed wonder - notice the tongue : ) Crazy boy
And here he is trying to cruise along the couch - look at the tongue and that determined look. If you try to stop him he gets REAL MAD!

Here Bill is trying to coax him into stepping to him.
And here we are one-handing it again with Daddys help.

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