Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Saturday, February 18, 2006

7 Months Old Today!!

Well Joey is a big 7 months old today and I cannot believe it. He has developed a lot in the past month and is a very independent and determined boy when he sets his mind to something. He falls down again and again when tryng to pull himself up but gets back up right away and starts pulling again - with me grimacing at each bump. But he does really well and can stand for a long time now.
Here we are at feeding time. (I know I look like crap but Bill complained I am never in any of the pics) Joey has the best smile on his face here. Look at how he wraps up my arm with his arm and leg...cute!
Happy Valentines Day! Joey gots lots of Valentines as you can see below- Thank you to everybody who sent him a card!!!!
And here he is with the Lion that his Mimi and Grampy got him.
Well on Thursday we went on our first road trip overnight with Joey and he was an ANGEL! We did have one tiny problem....he was WAY too big for the travel bassinet we brought and as you can see below had a blast crawling out of it.
Haha says Joey you can't just lay me down anymore, get ready for some action!!!
Saturday we gave Joey his first teething biscuit and at first he wasn't quite sure what to do with it.
But he got the hang of it pretty fast....
and was trying to eat it all at once.

Here Joey is seeing the snow outside for the first time (this is a copy post from Katie and Greg-sorry to copy guys but Luke was so cute in the snow I can't help it)

here he is touching the snow.... brrrr its cold. Overall I don't think he is going to be a snowbunny he didn't like it that much and wanted to go in.

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