Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, December 05, 2005

First Christmas Tree and Food!!!!

Off we go with this cute reindeer to find a Christmas Tree!!!!
Here the reindeer named Joey helps put an ornament on his first live Christmas tree!
Oh boy all this fun has Pooh and I exhausted, maybe we will take a little nap. An adorable end to a great day!
Well on another note here is Joey "helping" to feed himself. He knows where the spoon should go he just isn't too good at getting it there properly...but we love to watch him try. So far he has tried banana's which he liked, peaches which he HATES, pears which he REALLY LIKES, and sweet potatoes which he also REALLY LIKES. The whole sweet potato thing makes me happy because for any of you that knew my Nanny you know they were her favorite too and it makes me think a little piece of her is back on this earth!!!!
Joey - the sweet potato king!

1 comment:

Ashley & Vic said...

Hey guys. He really is beautiful and is growing so fast. I like to think that there is a little piece of those that we love and have lost with our children. I can't help but believe that that is their new job , to protect and watch over our babies.
Ash & Gabe