Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

5 Months Old and I am 17 lbs 5 oz....

Well foks Joey is 5 months old now and on Friday he weighed 17 lbs 5 oz at the Dr.- he is growing so fast. He can situp all by himself (occasionally he teeters and totters) and grabs ANYTHING within his reach.

Joey is such a lucky boy, he has three great grandmothers and wonderful Grandparents all of them just spoil him rotten with love!!!!!

Here he is for a night out with his Grampy and Mimi!

Here he is visting Granny Cappiello his great grandmother on Christie's side.

Here he is visting Mamaw Zanoni his Grampys Mom

And here he is visting Nana Frost Bill's Grandma ( as you can see from this picture he really has grown a bunch!!)

Joey also has wonderful cousins, Aunts andUncles, Great Aunts and Uncles, we will try and get everyones picture on eventually : )

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