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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Frogs and Butterflies

When Target ran their Christmas toys on sale, they had a butterfly habitat on 75% off clearance, so I snagged it and we ordered our caterpillars.... it was only a week or so and we had 3 nice cocoons.

They were soon 3 beautiful butterflies. We fed them flowers, oranges and watermelon

Pretty from the side, such an awesome thing to get to watch them transform from ugly little caterpillars

Here is Joey letting the butterflies land on his hand before we released them. You are only supposed to keep them for 7-10 days, after that they can no longer lay eggs and will die.

One of the butterflies on Joey's hand for release ; O)

We have been hearing lots of loud barking on the front porch and thought it was our neighbors yappy dogs...but turns out our culprit is much smaller. A tree frog living in our front garden...and it loves loves loves crawling on Joey...In fact it was hard to get it off

what a cutie

big green eyes and big green frog

We thought he may jump off if we left the porch

Nope, he loved Joey!!

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