Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Merry Christmas and Santa Visit's

First let me say Merry Christmas 2009 everybody!!!! We had a great Christmas and hope you did too!!! More pics coming from Christmas Eve and day soon. In the meantime, here is Joey waiting to see Santa at West Town Mall : ) Isn't he handsome!

He was just talking Santa's ear off...yadda yadda...I want a candy machine really bad!!

Finally we got him to sit for a cute picture
and a hug, gotta get those good boy points in!!
and then he was right back to telling Santa ALL about it, haha!!

Then our neighborhood has their annual sleigh ride and Santa greet. Here is Joey climbing into the sleigh
In the horse-drawn sleigh with Da

sitting on Santa's can see his face looks DEEP in thought...and on our walk home he informed us that THIS was not Santa, that the real Santa was in TN and this guy was just a lowly elf from the North Pole standing in for Santa. Guess next year we need to visit only one Santa, heehee

Up next....was Joey good enough to get his candy machine from Santa?

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