Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Halloween Night

This Halloween was so super duper AWESOME!!! Joey was very specific about what he wanted to be: Obi-won-kenobi with blue spiked hair (not real sure WHERE the blue hair came from : ) He was really good at getting into character and watched Episode 1 about 20 times to learn the moves.

Here is a weary traveler on the road....

No wait, its really a Jedi Knight, Sith run in fear : )

Moves down pat, blue spiked hair and a padawan braid : )

My cute Jedi : )

With his pumpkins doing the Jedi Mind Trick on me

Joey and his trick or treat pal Declan, an Astronaut this year

Joey and the beautiful Allison (a bumblebee) My son is such a flirt!!!! So funny Allison's Dad kept calling her a Cougar, haha!!

Joey and Allison's sister Caroline, what a witchy cutie pie!!

Joey and his other best pal Alexis and Mama's Pal Kathy (Alexis's Mom)
So much CANDY!!!!

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