Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Halloween Night

This Halloween was so super duper AWESOME!!! Joey was very specific about what he wanted to be: Obi-won-kenobi with blue spiked hair (not real sure WHERE the blue hair came from : ) He was really good at getting into character and watched Episode 1 about 20 times to learn the moves.

Here is a weary traveler on the road....

No wait, its really a Jedi Knight, Sith run in fear : )

Moves down pat, blue spiked hair and a padawan braid : )

My cute Jedi : )

With his pumpkins doing the Jedi Mind Trick on me

Joey and his trick or treat pal Declan, an Astronaut this year

Joey and the beautiful Allison (a bumblebee) My son is such a flirt!!!! So funny Allison's Dad kept calling her a Cougar, haha!!

Joey and Allison's sister Caroline, what a witchy cutie pie!!

Joey and his other best pal Alexis and Mama's Pal Kathy (Alexis's Mom)
So much CANDY!!!!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

School Harvest Celebration

I volunteered at Joey's School Harvest Party on the Friday before Halloween. It was so much fun to be in his class with him!!! Here is the whole group, his teacher Mrs. McCubbin on the left and Mrs. Osborne her assistant on the right.

Joey kept talking about getting married (even asking if he could marry my cousin and his 2nd cousin Molly : ) being in his classroom helped me to see the whole picture....the little girl who he has a crush on Angelina (who BTW has an identical twin that Joey does not like : ) has been dressing Joey up as a cowboy, dressing as a bride and they pretend to get married! So cute!!

Once he was dressed up..I kindof thought Joey looked like a member of the Village People

Me and Joey making Indian Corn : )

Joey and his pals John and Michael (also twins) 30% of Joey's school is twins this year, amazing!!!! They were coming to our house for a playdate after school!!!

Michael being silly at our house after school!!

Up next Halloween!!!! and Disney for Molly!!

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Picking a Pumpkin

Since our Saturdays have been filled with soccer and piano there wasn't much time to go get pumpkins, so late one day after a soccer game we stopped (in uniform : ) to get our pumpkins. We told Joey he could have ANY pumpkin he wanted but he chose this cute small pumpkin!!

How cute!!!

As we learned last year, when you live in Florida you do not carve your pumpkin in advance (they rot from the heat VERY FAST!!) So we carved them on Halloween Day : ) Here is Joey and Da carving his pumpkin...such a very cute picture. You can see what a cuddlebug we have : )

Quick flashback to his 2nd Halloween picking Pumpkins, how he has grown!!!