Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Soccer Practice and game

Joey at his first soccer practice ever, wanting me to hurry up and take the picture : )

His first soccer huddle & his Coach Connie

Stealing the ball in practice

Joey and his pals Ryan and Nic before their first game

Joey is number 10...he is good when he decides to play, first he would get MAD when he got pushed on the field (Mama had told him it wasn't nice to push) so we had to explain that in sports people push and its okay to push back, he is getting the hang of it : )

these games can be frustrating with all these 4 yr old boys it is kindof like herding cats...i.e. it doesn't work. They play for about 5 minutes and then want to do something else, it doesn't help that is it still around 97 degrees on game day, VERY HOT! But Joey has made some new friends and is having fun and that all that matters : )

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