Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

School Days - 1st Day of school

Well the day has finally come and gone, Joey has started school. This year he started an afternoon pre-kindergarten program. He was so extra special excited he just was about to burst!!! Here he is at Teacher Orientation, the first time he would see his classroom : )

Me and him first day of school, he kept saying "You can leave Mom. They will take good care of me." Haha... I still cried

About an hour before school was to start Joey told me that he needed a mustache and beard like Da. Well in my haste to get everything perfect for his first day I just kindof said "Oh that's nice honey" about five minutes later...I found this complete with leg and chest "hair" too!!! Good thing it wiped right off : )

Meeting his friends in the hall

Waiting for school to begin, we got there early....he looks so peaceful. Totally ready to go to school!!!

Hanging up his lunchbox on his hook!

I cannot believe my baby is in school already, time sure does fly by!!!
I know (BILL) that I have missed some of our summer that I have 3 hours in the afternoon I should be getting more and more caught up ; )

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