Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Friday, May 15, 2009

March/April Disney Trip

I know terrible blogger, meant to do 3 Disney posts and here is the last one, 2 weeks late : )

We had a great time in March, Bill had to go through Orlando for work so Joey and I hitched a ride and rode Toy Story Mania - 4 times in a row...IT WAS AWESOME!!!!
Then we walked across the street and said Hi to Buzz and Woody.... what am I going to do when Joey goes to school? I will be so bored : (

This was a great playground and workout facility for kids (I need to get Joey one of these steppers at home : )
Lots of things to climb up and it was HOT, but Joey was determined to make it to the top, you can see he was competing with kids much bigger, but he is STUBBORN.... wonder where he got that trait

Once again we were all about getting autographs from the Characters, Joey was totally siked to get Mickeys. And of course Bolt was the absolute favorite!!! We can't wait til this weekend to get all the Star Wars Characters to sign : ) You can see he got a lot of signatures

At Legoland a cool Star Wars Creation, Joey LOVED it and asked if we could build it at home :~ Crazy kid....maybe when Jeff comes over he can build it with him, hahaha

Very Excited about his Tiger Tattoo

We ventured outside Disney proper to M&M World, awesome place...but OVERPRICED M&Ms,I would recommend Costco for more economical prices : )

Of course he had to have his face painted like Bolt : ) woof woof

Lots more to update, bday paries, Jeff's Wedding, Star Wars Weekend....stay tuned

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Disney Garden Festival

When we were at Disney in March it was the EPCOT Garden Festival. It is always just a beautiful time there so I am dedicating a post to the gardens : )

The things they can do with shrubs, good gravy I can't even trim them in round shapes, they do the Lion King!

A cool Troll shrub in Norway

A butterfly in the Conservatory

Capt Hook, Tick Tock and Joey


I loved this Minnie Mouse

A hidden Mickey in Goofy's Barnstormer, as many times (over 100 at least) as we have ridden it and we just now found this one : )

A hidden Donald on the Miniature Building Railroad in EPCOT's Germany

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Disney Video's

These are some cute videos I took while we were at Disney in March (I am so behind : ).

This one is of Joey at the Play-N-Dine Lunch in Hollywood Studio's. This is one of his favorite stops. It is the one character meal that we never have to have reservations for (you can just walk-up) and it is one of the best. Great kid-sized buffet, adult sized salad buffet and meat carver. Not to mention you can sit and enjoy while your little one participates in a Dance Party!!

This is a stop to our new favorite character Bolt. Joey was so excited to see him!! Forgive my angle with the camera, I forgot I was on video instead of camera : )

Don't forget to pause the jukebox at the bottom of the blog page before viewing videos

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Dr. Bruner on Fox News

Aug. 19, 1999: The hand of Samuel Armas, then a 21-week-old fetus, is seen grasping the hand of Dr. Joseph Bruner.
Wonderful pic of our great Dr. Joseph Bruner 10 years ago, who pioneered Fetal Surgery at Vanderbilt. He is a wonderful Surgeon whose quick action saved Joey's life during delivery. So we like to brag on him : ) To read the complete article click this link,2933,519181,00.html

Monday, May 04, 2009

Happy Birthday to Molly and Go Vols (Impromtu)

Happy Birthday Molly!!!! We Love you!!!

May have to pause Juke Box at bottom of blog page to hear singing.