Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Friday, February 27, 2009

First Trip to the Dentist

Joey had his first trip to the Dentist this month. He actually loved it and had a perfect bill of health. His favorite part was seeing the x-rays of his teeth. As anyone who is around him for more than 5 seconds knows, Joey has an obsession with bones and so seeing his teeth inside his body was the best thing ever!!!

The Dentist said she hoped every Patient could be a good as Joey!!!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Christmas 2008

First picture of Christmas morning 2008, you can see Joey is not awake yet. But Bill could not wait and woke him up. He had 2 stockings, this was candy from the stocking in his room (he INSISTED Santa had to come into his room!)
Here are the pics when he first walked into the room, of course he could see down from the loft area upstairs and could not get down fast enough, these are great expressions!!!!

Then he finally noticed Santa's footprints in the fireplace ashes and the cookies, milk and carrots that were all nibbled : ) A very Magical Moment!!!!

I honestly thought the bike would get the first look, but it was Spike the Remote Controlled Dinosaur that stole the show

Then after a few minutes he started noticing more stuff
and of course, his "Big Boy" Bike

Opening his Star Wars Imperial Walker Transformer he has been asking, asking, asking and begging for...just like Da's

The stocking!!!!! Candy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As most of you know our dog Daisy passed with year and Joey has been having a VERY HARD time without her. So Santa brought him a fish and wall aquarium. He named the fish Wubbzy. This has not helped with his mourning of Daisy...poor kid. He REFUSES to pet other dogs and will tell anyone who has a dog with them and asks if he would like to pet it "No Thank You I have a dog named Daisy and she is with Santa, but coming back soon." Then the rest of the day he will ask if we can go pick up Daisy....Lord help us I think we might have to buy another Daisy to fix it : ~ I guess Wubbzy just isn't as cuddly : )
An Optimus Prime dude!!
My very organized son, had to line up all the Transformers he got for Christmas to take inventory and see if any were missing... hahaha got to wait for the Cupid or Easter Bunny for the others
A Christmas Kiss for Da

Then outside to REALLY ride his big boy bike

Hope you all had as great a Holiday as we did!!!!!

Christmas Eve

Here's Joey with his cookies for Santa, he was very excited again this year to try and catch him and wait for him

So he parked in front of the cookies, determined to catch Santa. But a 3 yr old boy is short on patience : )

So he went outside to check.... and then he kept checking my laptop tracking Santa on NORAD. It was a fun night, but hard to get this kid to sleep when he is so excited...

But just a little later Santa made it! He left quite a mess of ash footprints, half eaten cookies and a stocking so full it was too heavy to hang..
Here's the loot, wrapping around the living room, the most popular items a new Buzz Lightyear Bike (which is actually a Hot Wheels bike with Buzz Stickers : ) and a remote controlled Dinosaur.

and the other side with a new pet fish and fishbowl

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Joey singing Rudolph

This is the video of Joey singing Rudolph at the Fox Christmas Party. The womens voice you hear is mine (OOPPSS) I did not realize obviously until later of course that I was singing along while filming...sorry : ~

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Christmas in Tennessee

We traveled to TN before Christmas to see our friends and family for the holidays!
Here is Joey singing it up at the Fox Christmas Party...he is a good faker...look close the song book is upside down. He loves to pretend to read!!!

Then Joey got up in front of the whole crowd and sang Rudolph (I will be posting the video soon!) For all us Cedar Hill kids, look close at the lovely lady playing the piano...that's our old music teacher Mrs. Irene Fox, she has hardly changed a bit!!!! But it sure makes me feel old to see her accompanying MY SON on the piano.

Kissing his always beautiful Bell Cousins Kelsey and Tiffany. Whitney was having Christmas in London!!! We missed HER!!!

At the famous Big Eds with his pals Jacob and Benjamin

Kissing Jeff : )

Molly giving him the Horton she brought him all the way from New York City

Cooking the BEST cheesecake ever with Molly

Getting tickled by Uncle Rick while Meghan watches
Playing pirate ship with Nicholas

Inspecting the Glow in the Dark Space Station Martha and Rick got him. A favorite with all the neighborhood kids!!!

A big hug for Grandaddy Fox

And...of course Molly

And Grandmother Fox

We saw Bumblebee, Joeys favorite Transformer in Gatlinburg

Somehow I missed pics of Joey with lots of Martha, Laura Joe and Benjamin, Bob and Robin and Gregie Poo..I am so sorry : (

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Chattanooga Choo Choo

I know I have been a terrible Blogger of late and I am SORRY! Especially to my cousin Molly who made it clear I would be sleeping with the fishes if I didn't update soon : ) Luv ya Cuz!!!

So without further ado....On our way home to TN for Christmas Bill was able to score us a Train Car room at the Chattanooga Choo Choo! It was great! Santa and his elves were there, not to mention plenty of trains!!!

Here we are at the door to our room! It was a very neat experience to sleep in a Train Car.

Joey in front of the train we slept on.
Inside the engine car
Our train car, actually way more spacious than it looks from the outside...but a little colder than I normally like : ) Otherwise very comfortable!! Joey was WAY SUPER EXCITED! He told us we were sleeping on the Polar Express and as soon as we were asleep would go with Santa (he was at the Chatt. Choo Choo, too) to the North Pole : )
For a very reasonable $10 charge Elves came and tucked Joey into bed and read him a story. This was actually quite a challenge 'cause the minute the kid saw the elves he nearly jumped out of his skin in excitement. Then having to lay down and listen to a story...IMPOSSIBLE!! But he did really good!

Getting tucked in

Story time!

The next day the ChooChoo had Santa's Elves helping all the kids with Christmas crafts. Joey had a great time

More coming soon I promise....Disney on the way!!!!