Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Friday, September 19, 2008

Zoo Day

Lately Joey has been having a hard time watching his Da go to work. so one morning Bill was ready to leave and Joey looked at him and said "Stay with me Da"....and Bill stayed home with us!!!!! We went to the Jacksonville Zoo. Here is Joey and Da looking at the Rhinos from the Zoo Train

Joey and I in front of the Giraffes
The zoo playground, Joey acting like a Monkey
and a spider
and a gator (no please no never be a Gator son!!!!)

This birds nest must be a feature at every zoo across the country. This is from Joey's 1st bday at the Knoxville Zoo
and just after his 3rd bday at the Jax much he has grown!!!!

Happy (belated) Bday Da!

Joey and I made Wall-E cake for Da. I think for amateurs it came out pretty good : )

Joey and Da opening his card Joey got him

Joey was so excited for his Da's bday, he found the Star Wars Muppet figures for him

Blowing out the candles

The BIG gift, a fully-functional Millennium Falcon. Guess what Joey and Bill played with the rest of the day?!

Happy Birthday Da! We love you!!!!!!!!!! and
Go Vols -PLEASE beat the Gators!!!!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Stitches #2

Well, Joey got his second set of stitches last month, three in his chin (he really needed 4, but he is too strong to be held down for that long)

We had been cleaning the house all day, spic 'n span for Bill's bday weekend, I had just pledged the kitchen table and I guess some got onto the floor. Joey was running around so excited for his Da to see what we had done for him that he fell face first on the slippery tile floor. It was terrible!!!!!!!!

So we take him to the Mayo ER. Joey is being very brave and smiling, flirting with all the women nurses. The Dr walks in and he is VERY young. He looks at it and says that he definitely must have stitches that the glue won't work. Then....he asks us point blank, not joking "Will he just lay there while we do it?" I am now ashamed to say I laughed out loud. What planet did this MAYO DR just jettison from. Will he just lay there?! Is that a joke!!!!!

So come time to do the stitches instead of bringing a nice strong orderly with him he brings a small petite, looks like she is going to pass out from the blood Resident. After one stitch and all the force that me, Bill and Miss "I am going to Puke but I want to be a NeuroSurgeon" (that is actually what her tag said) have we had to take a break.

Anyway, by stitch #3 Dr. "Will he just lay there" decided to quit. I cannot blame him, let me tell you folks Joey Z. is a strong kid when being held down. But after it was over he loved his stitches and was showing them to everyone. We went to Target and got an assortment of cool band aids. He thought he was Joe Cool!