Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Friday, August 08, 2008

Bill's Class Reunion in TN

This summer we went "home" to Tn for Bill's 20th Class Reunion and had a great time! The Class of '88 really did it up right with a picnic, golf tourney, bowling and a cocktail party.

Here is Bill and Joey doing the water balloon toss at the Class Picnic, lots of other familiar faces there like Greg Addington, Cindy Truex, etc...
Joey flirting with older girls at the picnic : )
Then we joined our pals Jacob and Benjamin for some rainy day fun at The Children's Museum of Oak Ridge. Joey was SO glad to see his pals! and I was happy to see my pal, their Mom Donnie : ) The museum has done an AWESOME JOB of updating and expanding their exhibits.

At first Joey was really leery of the giant Polar Bear. The funny thing is I can remember being scared of it as a girl also : ) Surreal for to take my child where I grew up!!
A group hug!
WAIT!!!! Is that a man doing to dishes?????
He found a piano of course
I can remember playing in this space ship!!!!
We stayed with Bill's Nana and Joey just went crazy for his Nana : ) He insisted she ride in the back with him and he would hold her hand...very sweet!
and if you think he is crazy for Nana you should have seen the kid with Kelsey, it was "Kelsey this and Kelsey that"
they were even snuggle-bugs together
Of course that is not to discount his other GORGEOUS and very grown up cousins, Tiffany and Whitney!!!
Happy BDAY BENJAMIN!!! Then for Benjamin (Roberts) bday we all went to eat at a Japanese Steakhouse and boy was it really cool. Not to mention Joey LOVES Benjamin and Nicholas, he sat there with them the whole time just like he was one of their big boy crew
Our chef spinning eggs, Joey thought this was SO AWESOME!!
What would a trip to TN be without visiting Grandmother and Grandaddy Fox, Joey giving Grandmother some good lovin'
Grandaddy teasing Joey and wearing his Thomas Conductor Hat
Joey taking it back : )

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