Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Our 1st Guests!!!! The Fanikos Family

Well we finally had our first overnight guests, The Wonderful Fanikos Family. My very long-time pal Donnie, her great husband Mike and 2 AWESOME boys Jacob and Benjamin. Joey was SUPER-EXCITED!!!!! The first few days we just hung out at the park and beach...then we all headed to Disneyworld.

Joey and Benjamin at the park

All three boys walking home from the park. This is funny because our neighbor was saying as we walked by "Oh you can tell they are family : )" haha

At our wonderful local Micklers beach, the boys had a great time and collected LOTS of shells

A great relaxed pic of the Fanikos Family : )

The boys all spic 'n span and ready for bed

And then we all headed out to Disneyworld......
Joey and Jacob holding hands while riding in their strollers, Joey just thinks Jacob hangs the moon!!!!

The whole crew (except me) on the boat to the Magic Kingdom. Joey is painted up like a Cheetah

Joey and Benji in the Dinosaur playground sandbox at Animal Kingdom. This was a BIG HIT with all the boys

The boys all painted up and striking Superhero/Pirate poses, so cute!!!!!

If you want to come visit us...come on! Its a fun time and a great stop on the way to Disney : )

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