Bill has some projects close to Orlando, so whenever he drives close Joey and I have been asking him to drop us off at Disney for the day. It is the most fun to get some one on one special time with my little man. On this day we went to MGM together. I had been to MGM a bunch but had been reading about a "tucked away" playground called the Honey I Shrunk the Kids Playground....Joey and I went on a quest to find it (behind the theatre on Times-Square NY) and it is TRULY hidden away but well worth the effort to find it. Now Joey asks all the time to go to the Play-doh playground : ) Everything is HUGE to make you feel like you have been shrunk : )

A huge roll of film as the slide

The extra large insects and blades of grass are really cool

Then Joey and I hit the Playhouse Disney show. I have to say with all the hype around this show, Joey wanted to go back to the playground. But I liked it : )

For lunch, Joey and I TOTALLY lucked out and were able to walk right into Play n' Dine with the Little Einsteins Characters. He loved it and the buffet(s) were great, one little buffet for kids and one large one for parents.

Joey loves Leo!

Dancing with June

Then we stopped to have his face painted. He had been asking and asking to have this done but I honestly did not think my high-energy boy could sit for it, but I was wrong. He did AWESOME and has had his face painted almost every time we go to Disney now...he loves it.

Here he is growling at me and "getting" me with his tiger paw : ) The best part of doing this is watching his imagination really come alive. Each time he chooses a different animal and totally becomes that animal for the day.

Seeing himself the first time.

My little tiger.

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