Well, blogger isn't letting me move pics around, so these are out of order...sorry : ( Anyway, here are some more fun Disney pics. Everytime we go I think I won't take pics that it will be "old hat" by now...BUT the awesome thing about Disney is everytime is something new and different. We still have so many things we want to see and do but haven't gotten to yet.
My snake boys...Bill and Joey you will notice also love to dress alike : ) silly boys

Joey and Tarzan's Pal (who's name has escaped me)
At the Rainforest Cafe, Joey grabbed this tail, starting shaking it and guess what he said
"Go VOLS!!!" we have trained him well : ) Boy did we get nasty looks from the Gator Fan bartender : O)

When at Animal Kingdom be sure to look down occasionally, most of the drains and pipe covers are hidden Mickeys

Legoland at Downtown Disney was awesome, not to mention Downtown Disney's Goofy Bakery has the best baked goods by far in all of Disney!!!!!

We went to the Pirate Party at Magic Kingdom, an awesome event...Joey loved searching for the "hidden treasure" and of course meeting Pirate Mickey. Notice Joey is doing his snake face : )

Animal Kingdom safari, we have learned the way to get on this ride in 5 mins or less, we have never waited....its called Fastpass folks...get it the minute you walk in to the park. This is the best ride, because it is different every time. This pic has zebras, giraffes, and other animals

Joey watching a baby elephant and its Mama!

Getting snaked up

Typhoon Lagoon, a fun place but for toddlers Blizzard Beach is better

The jungle trek at Animal Kingdom...this tiger was right next to us...only a thick pane of glass separating us....he walked right up to the window while we were standing there

Joey and I ready to see Tough to be a Bug...Joey did good but got a little freaked at the stuff flying towards him. I was proud of him.

His 3-D glasses
A hidden Baloo from the Jungle Book.....be sure to look at everything at Disney there is always more than you think : )
Joey having fun at the dino playground

Joey the pirate

Stay tuned for very late Valentines pics....at this rate
I should have Easter up by Christmas, haha