Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Disney #2

Oopps, I meant to post this one after Disney #3, sorry!!! Anyway, we learned on this trip that Joey LOVES watching the parades. This is a great pics because the lady in front there is watching Joey and NOT the parade. She came up to us afterwards and said she had more fun watching Joey's excitement and expressions!!!

Here he is in Epcot-Italy, running around and around. I love this pic 'cause you can see the "big ball" as Joey calls it and 'cause I love Italy!!!

As we were leaving, kids were playing in the water-squirting Tiki Statues so Joey jumped in there. As you can see he can match boys bigger than him when it comes to having a good time!!!

He got SOAKED!!!

When I saw this picture I just about fell over and it is the reason these pics have not been posted yet. SOMEWHERE in this complete mess of a house is a picture of Bill and his Dad at Disney in the '70's riding these Race Cars and I SWEAR it looks identical... the problem of course is that I cannot find the picture. I will eventually...or if you have it email it to me : )

Joey in Bruce's Mouth

At Epcot he discovered the Trains..... he was fixated for forever and FREAKED when we made him leave. The setup, like everything at Disney is awesome!!!

Some more favorite moments with the far seeing them is Joeys favorite. We have found the not-so-crowded places too!! Epcot and Animal Kingdom are the places to go to score a QUICK meet and greet!!! This would have been our Christmas card if it hadn't blurred!

I had to PRY him off Minnie...he calls her his girlfriend : )

What a great look of complete JOY at seeing Donald Duck

Again, stay tuned for Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party very soon!

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