Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Santa x's 3

Joey was so extra-special excited about Santa this year and we ended up visiting him three times!!! Just wait till I post the Christmas Eve pics, Joey is already trying to camp out and catch the big man! But of course when we asked who was coming to see him Christmas Eve he said the Polar Express : ) The boy is train obsessed!!! Then again, the Polar Express DOES take its passengers to see Santa, so maybe he knows more than we think!!

Here is the very best picture we got with him and Santa, of course at Disneyworld. It was so hot he couldn't wear the nice Christmas outfit I had planned, in fact the next day we went to Blizzard Beach Water Park (more pics of that later)
This pic is where Joey told Santa he wanted 10 trains and Mama and Da just about had a heart attack...Santa had NOT planned on bringing him 10 trains and he had not mentioned them before ... but he has not stopped mentioning them since : ) Santa scrambled on Christmas Eve and luckily Joey got his 10 trains : )
Our neighborhood had a great holiday party in the subdivision park with Santa, Mrs Claus and horse drawn hay rides...very nice!! Joey snuggled both Santa and Mrs. Claus like crazy...getting those good boy points in early!
Here he was when Santa asked him what he wanted (this was BEFORE we saw Santa at Disney, so he must have started him thinking about the 10 train thing) I thought it was cute how he was really thinking hard about it!!! I mean when Santa asks you a question, its serious!!! Haha : )
Joey and I on the hayride....
Last but not least, when we were in Tenn. for a quick visit we went to see the Santa that Joey has seen since he was born at West Town Mall. Just to keep with tradition and since we were there anyway!!! Boy has our baby grown up!!!


Our Holiday Season

We hope everyone had an awesome holiday season. Here are some random pics of our season and what made it so great. Getting mail was AWESOME! Joey could not wait to see the cards and letters that came ( we had to keep out Aunt Martha's and Uncle Ricks out all season, cause Joey loved pointing out Molly as much as he loves hugging her : ) sorry Parker and Jeff but you are not near as pretty!!!!)

Anyway, here is Joey opening a letter from Santa that was mailed by a mystery party....who are you???? Cause Joey was so thrilled by your gift, as were see his beautiful face light up....

PS - Joey is SURE he can read. He has just watched too much Sesame Street!!! He looks at letters and names them: some correctly, some not... we had quite a time getting this Santa letter away from him : )

Opening a Mickey Card from Aunt Martha and Uncle Rick before going to Walt Disney World...Joey LOVED IT!!!

When we got home from TN Joey had more mail and a package (stay tuned...opened on C. Eve). A Penguin card from his Grampy and Mimi Zanoni with STICKERS!!!!
A card and $5 from Mamaw Zanoni...that $5 will go right into Joey's college fund so it can grow and grow for whatever future he chooses!!!

We learned a valuable lesson this year...CHRISTMAS TREES ARE VERY EXPENSIVE IN FLORIDA (over $100 at least).... they are not grown nearby and must be shipped in, so next year we are buying an artificial tree. On a good note we were at the beach watching dolphins swim today so there is a trade-off!!! Joey is helping us pick out a tree...doesn't he look like such a grown up boy!!!!

Helping Da trim the tree.... well kind-of

Decorating the tree....

And then he found the train...that for some reason would not work. Poor Baby, kept taking it to his Da saying "needs batteries!!!! Fix it Da!"! Poor Bill was heartbroke...the poor baby Joey would not let it go and woke up asking if Da could fix the train....

So, before he came home Bill went out and bought Joey a Lionel Polar Express and set it up around the tree. You have never in your life seen a happier boy!!!! or Da!!!!! They played the
rest of the night.
Joey figured out the remote in no time!!!!
Setting up the tree in Joey's room, complete with a carolling Thomas that he is dancing to in this picture.

The Advent calendar full of Hershey Kisses...of which Joey promptly took out and ate almost all of them....oh well!!! : )
Some Gallman Elves sent Joey his own elf whom he quickly found in the tree carrying gifts and candy. What an awesome tradition they shared with us...Thank You!!!!
Look what the Elf brought me!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Disney #2

Oopps, I meant to post this one after Disney #3, sorry!!! Anyway, we learned on this trip that Joey LOVES watching the parades. This is a great pics because the lady in front there is watching Joey and NOT the parade. She came up to us afterwards and said she had more fun watching Joey's excitement and expressions!!!

Here he is in Epcot-Italy, running around and around. I love this pic 'cause you can see the "big ball" as Joey calls it and 'cause I love Italy!!!

As we were leaving, kids were playing in the water-squirting Tiki Statues so Joey jumped in there. As you can see he can match boys bigger than him when it comes to having a good time!!!

He got SOAKED!!!

When I saw this picture I just about fell over and it is the reason these pics have not been posted yet. SOMEWHERE in this complete mess of a house is a picture of Bill and his Dad at Disney in the '70's riding these Race Cars and I SWEAR it looks identical... the problem of course is that I cannot find the picture. I will eventually...or if you have it email it to me : )

Joey in Bruce's Mouth

At Epcot he discovered the Trains..... he was fixated for forever and FREAKED when we made him leave. The setup, like everything at Disney is awesome!!!

Some more favorite moments with the far seeing them is Joeys favorite. We have found the not-so-crowded places too!! Epcot and Animal Kingdom are the places to go to score a QUICK meet and greet!!! This would have been our Christmas card if it hadn't blurred!

I had to PRY him off Minnie...he calls her his girlfriend : )

What a great look of complete JOY at seeing Donald Duck

Again, stay tuned for Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party very soon!

Disney Trip #3

What can I say we are addicted to Disneyworld. Every time we go we see something new, its amazing!!! This time we were boarding the boat to Tom Sawyers Island and Joey said "Good Morning" and waved to a Cast member and next thing you know they asked if we would like to board a private boat and tour the island. Well we said you bet!!! Bill joked that having Joey is better than a new puppy : ) haha

But really it is something they do for new Cast Members in learn how to do a tour of the island. They are supposed to tell us all about the island, but I think Joey did most of the talking : ) Just like his Da!! Here he is discussing the Indian encampment with a Cast Member.

And showing this one the ducks.

We got a great view of the Haunted Mansion and saw a hidden mickey!!! Very cool

Our tour guides! What an awesome experience!!!

Then we saw some of Joeys favorite people, Capt Hook and Buzz Lightyear!! You can see Joey doing his pirate face here!!

And so happy to see the REAL Buzz!!

This time we stayed at the All-Star Movies Resort...and I think this is where we will be from now on. It is a little boy PARADISE...and at a rate of $79/night I think we love it too!!! During peak season it only tops out at $94...we highly recommend this place for sure!!! Good Food too!!! Anyway, Joey LOVED the Toy Story theme and loved "riding" RC

Climbing Rex and the larger than life Woody in the background!! Notice the Army men in top of the buildings...sure beats the Holiday Inn!!

A super-huge Buzz, Joey only comes up to his foot!! See the small arrow, that points to Joey!!

The sidewalk lights at Epcot were a huge hit!!! I think we stood here for about 10 minutes!!!!

Anyway, trip #4 is coming soon, so be prepared for more Disney pics. This time we are going to Mickeys Very Merry Christmas Party, where I am told is SNOWS on Main Street! and Santa is there!!! I can't wait!!!!

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas....

everywhere you go. And our house is no exception. Here are some of the very cute yet unsuccessful attempts I have made at getting a great Christmas Card picture. Finally I gave up and let Joey pick his own picture.... and pick a good one he did! Just wait you'll see..... if I EVER get our cards mailed : )

Okay, I had this idea to get a good face pic in the tub...did not work.

Stand still? But I am a 2 1/2 yr old boy THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!

Well you asked me to look up.