It's almost spring and we are gearing up to be outside and having FUN, FUN,FUN.
Here is Joey with his favorite outside toy- a lawn mower (I got it at the Dollar Store : ) Bill says we took these pics so when Joey is 16 he can show him how he used to like to mow the lawn.

Joey and I bought ourselves some new sunglasses for all the sunshine we are going to be seeing soon (I HOPE) here he is doing his tough guy lip for me.

And here he is wearing my new sunglasses....doesn't he look like a little rocker strumming his air guitar.

And here he is wearing my new sunglasses....doesn't he look like a little rocker strumming his air guitar.

No doubt by the end of the summer we will have some pics of Joey riding his Big Wheel...he is determined even though his feet barely touch the pedals. Every day he tries it.

Finally a development note....Joey is eating again!!!! WoooHoooo! After several months of bribing, coaxing and begging, Joey began to eat like a lion. Now we can't get him full it seems. We think the hunger strike was caused by his molars which have all come through. Poor kid he was getting SO skinny!!!! Anyway, these are pics of Joey putting honey on his biscuits, I don't care if we load them down he HAS to add more himself. Mr. Independent

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