Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Its almost SPRING!

It's almost spring and we are gearing up to be outside and having FUN, FUN,FUN.
Here is Joey with his favorite outside toy- a lawn mower (I got it at the Dollar Store : ) Bill says we took these pics so when Joey is 16 he can show him how he used to like to mow the lawn.

Joey and I bought ourselves some new sunglasses for all the sunshine we are going to be seeing soon (I HOPE) here he is doing his tough guy lip for me.

And here he is wearing my new sunglasses....doesn't he look like a little rocker strumming his air guitar.
No doubt by the end of the summer we will have some pics of Joey riding his Big Wheel...he is determined even though his feet barely touch the pedals. Every day he tries it.
Finally a development note....Joey is eating again!!!! WoooHoooo! After several months of bribing, coaxing and begging, Joey began to eat like a lion. Now we can't get him full it seems. We think the hunger strike was caused by his molars which have all come through. Poor kid he was getting SO skinny!!!! Anyway, these are pics of Joey putting honey on his biscuits, I don't care if we load them down he HAS to add more himself. Mr. Independent

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentines Day!

Happy Valentines Day!!
This was Joey's second Valentines Day and we had a BLAST! Here he is with a balloon Bill brought home for Me...but it was soon confiscated.
Here Joey is playing with the adorable Valentine Cat Aunt Martha brought him. He LOVES IT!!!!! He pushes the button and tries to catch the tail as it waves, then he will mimic whatever the cat says...too funny!!!!
Bill suggested we follow his families tradition passed down from his Nana and his parents and now to Joey of the Cupid Box. The cupid comes and leaves presents in a box for you. So here is Joey's Cupid box. We put it out early and he went NUTS trying to see what was inside (of course that may be because we let him sneak a peek occasionally)
His first look inside, very exciting
And on top, was what Joey calls "balls" but you and I call them M&M's....he was so excited we could not get an clear picture of him.....he ate these and Necco Hearts ALL NIGHT!!!! I am surprised he slept at all!
Here he is opening his first present...a much wanted Little People Plane.
Then a Thomas DVD with a Salty engine.
And a new and most popular favorite...yet another Mr. Potato Head. I must warn all parents these are addictive...Bill and I are currently attending Potato Head Anonymous since Joey already has FIVE of these sets...but they keep him focused at the dinner table and they're all so cute and not expensive.

Finally for lunch Joey got his Cars Movie Characters....McQueen being his favorite he shared his corn with him. The cutest thing is that he says "yum, yum, yum" and makes eating noises while he shares with him.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

18 Months Old

Yesterday we had Joey's 18 month checkup at the Pediatrician. It is hard to believe he is already 1 1/2 years old. So just a little post to update everybody of what he is doing now and how he is changing. For starters the kid can TALK (like his Dad)!!!!! He can say well over 75 words (yes we counted), he likes to tell us when he has pee-pee'd but hasn't gone in the potty yet, he LOVES corn and can use a spoon to feed himself (in fact he doesn't let us feed him) , he is a NUT for Thomas the Train, Mickey Mouse (and Goofy, Donald Duck, etc....), Nemo and Little People. He has mastered the gates in our house, but seems to only want to open them when I am using the bathroom (haha). He weighed in at 25.15 lbs (he is very skinny) and 33 inches tall, both above the 50th percentile for his age but his head circumference was in the 95%...he has a huge head. Anyway, we are TRYING to get the kid to gain some weight but eating anything but corn and apples just is not on his agenda. Enough "talking" on to the pictures.
Here is his spot with his pal Mick-mouse watching cartoons....Probably Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
He loves to wear our shoes around the slippers and Da's work shoes

He lives to go in Da's room and play, play, play and recently we have noticed the Joe's (as Joey calls them) being relocated into Joey's room
Just wait until he can open soda cans, Bill is in BIG trouble!!!! These collectors cans may not last long. He holds it up to me and says "coke" wanting me to open it for him :) so cute I am tempted
And we play hide and seek, either pulling out his tent or on the weekends we make a fort....and Joey runs around screaming "hide, hide". Here I am "finding" them.

He climbs on everything....if Mama won't get it for me, I can climb up to it myself. Nothing is safe
Last but not least we tried to get him to eat cupcake cones, he really liked the icing but wasn't too wild about the cupcake part.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Circus Comes to Town

The circus is coming to town and they had a preview at West Town Mall (with extra goodies if you dressed like a clown) So we dressed our little man up and headed out to see the clowns. Joey thought the juggling was great, but other than that he just wanted to slide and play at the new play area.
Here he is on the slide

Trying on his clown nose