Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Friday, December 23, 2005

Merry Christmas Eve Eve!!

Joey is biting his nails wondering if Santa is going to bring him any goodies??
I love to hug Santa!!!

Oh boy, the present with the Elmo paper must be for ME!!!!! I just LOVE Christmas!

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

5 Months Old and I am 17 lbs 5 oz....

Well foks Joey is 5 months old now and on Friday he weighed 17 lbs 5 oz at the Dr.- he is growing so fast. He can situp all by himself (occasionally he teeters and totters) and grabs ANYTHING within his reach.

Joey is such a lucky boy, he has three great grandmothers and wonderful Grandparents all of them just spoil him rotten with love!!!!!

Here he is for a night out with his Grampy and Mimi!

Here he is visting Granny Cappiello his great grandmother on Christie's side.

Here he is visting Mamaw Zanoni his Grampys Mom

And here he is visting Nana Frost Bill's Grandma ( as you can see from this picture he really has grown a bunch!!)

Joey also has wonderful cousins, Aunts andUncles, Great Aunts and Uncles, we will try and get everyones picture on eventually : )

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Only 1 Week Until Christmas!!!!

Oh My Gosh I am so excited only 1 week to Christmas!!!
Here I am at the Fox Family Christmas Party, as you can see I am quite the ladies man!!!! Thank you for such a wonderful evening!!!!!
Uh oh! I think I ate too much of Aunt Martha's Kahlua Pound Cake!!!! Looks like a baby hangover for me :)
Here I am helping Mommy wrap presents and she is making me wear stupid stuff again like this bow!

Ho Ho Ho Everybody!

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Are these people REALLY my relatives??

Somebody save me!!!! Can you believe I have parents who will actually put me in a gift bag with tissue paper for a picture. These people are crazy!
Faster than a speeding bullet he can spit up, he can leap from happy to sad in an instant its..... SUPERBABY!

Friday, December 09, 2005

Oh Boy! I am excited to go see Santa
Come on won't you people hurry up Santa won't be here forever you know!
Finally the visit with the big man himself - SANTA CLAUS! I thought Santa was so interesting I just stared and stared, Mom and Dad could hardly get me to turn around for a picture! Do you see that he copied my outfit - no fair get your own style!!!
Boy these people sure do run me ragged, I had to catch a cat-nap :)

Monday, December 05, 2005

First Christmas Tree and Food!!!!

Off we go with this cute reindeer to find a Christmas Tree!!!!
Here the reindeer named Joey helps put an ornament on his first live Christmas tree!
Oh boy all this fun has Pooh and I exhausted, maybe we will take a little nap. An adorable end to a great day!
Well on another note here is Joey "helping" to feed himself. He knows where the spoon should go he just isn't too good at getting it there properly...but we love to watch him try. So far he has tried banana's which he liked, peaches which he HATES, pears which he REALLY LIKES, and sweet potatoes which he also REALLY LIKES. The whole sweet potato thing makes me happy because for any of you that knew my Nanny you know they were her favorite too and it makes me think a little piece of her is back on this earth!!!!
Joey - the sweet potato king!

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Happy First Day of December!

Only 24 Days 'til Christmas!
But Joey's Mom and Dad already got everything they want for Christmas!

Monday, November 28, 2005

Cute cousins!

Here is Joey with Mom's cousin and his 2nd cousin Molly.... who is NEWLY ENGAGED AND GETTING MARRIED!
Congrats Molly and Parker!
and here is Joey at Thanksgiving with his cousin Dominic who is one month and 10 days older than Joey - those two look like trouble!
Of course Joey has tons of other cute cousins and 2nd cousins like Gabe, Abbie, Jeff, Ted, Andy, etc.... but unfortunately dial-up will not let me include them, but keep posted and we will include them soon!

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

Baby its cold outside
Joey says Happy Thanksgiving everybody!!!!!!!
Gobble gobble gobble

Thursday, November 17, 2005

4 Month Check Up

Well Joey had his four month check-up today and he weighed in at 15 lbs 11 oz and 25 inches. For a kid who started out so small he is catching up fast!!!! And now we can start giving him cereals, juices and starter foods. He is excited and actually does really well with a spoon. His first feeding pictures are below, isnt he cute : )
Yummy can I have some more! I love rice cereal.
No more please, I am all done!!

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

I love the Eyes

Aren't I cute in my Daddy's hat?
These are Joey's favorite new thing, he LOVES it when anybody wears the eyes, he laughs and giggles constantly when we pull them out!!!!

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Yay, I can do something new.....

We'll just yesterday our adorable laughing smiling little man rolled from his back to his belly- a new accomplishment! Mom is worried to death he is going to do it in his sleep, so now she isn't going to get any sleep hahaha : )

What's up?

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Happy Holidays!!!!

Well the Holdays are upon us so here is a preview of how cute I am going to be during my First Holiday Season!!!

Friday, November 04, 2005

Holding and Grabbing

Holding, grabbing and throwing are the new themes in our house...
He loves to hold his bottle and chew on the nipple.
Oh Boy! does that ear taste good on the new bear Mimi and Grampy got me!!!

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Happy Halloween...a little late :)

Here is Joey giving his daddy a funny look, who is this man who has my Daddy's head?
And here is our VERY UNHAPPY tigger, Joey absolutely hated his costume, so we only made him wear it for his 3 month pictures, but it is cute even if he is red faced and crying.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

First Pumpkin

Here is Joey with his first pumpkin!
And here Joey and Mom are helping Dad pick it out!

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Baby's First Boo!

Happy almost Halloween! Aren't I cute in my Baby's First Boo outfit. My Daddy bought it for me in Cincinnatti.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

3 Months Old and...

3 Months old and I am discovering new things every for instance my feet!!!!

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Joey's New Toy

Well Joey got a new toy this weekend and needless to say it was a hit. We noticed he wanted to put some weight on his legs during the past week so we got him a jumparoo! He just jumps and plays and squeals in delight :)

Thursday, October 13, 2005

12 Weeks Old!

Can you beleive I am 12 weeks old already! Give me a few weeks and I will be walking and talking :)

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

New Cousin Gabe!

See my new cousin Gabe...isn't he cute :) When we get older I am sure that me, him and Dominic will have a blast chasing the ladies!

Monday, October 10, 2005

Naked cute

Well my mommy had to embarrass me and take naked pictures! Look at my rolls, only cute on a baby!

Saturday, October 08, 2005


Here I am having a blast in my halloween outfit that my Mimi embroidered just for me! I am a lucky boy!

Tummy Time

Tummy Time! Here I am doing my tummy time, which I hate! Mommy has to put me on this boppy or I roll over.