Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Friday, November 11, 2011


Hi everybody, I have been an awful blogger AGAIN!!  But we have been in San Antonio for the past few months and the internet at our Hotel is SSSLLOOOWWWW and photos would not upload.  BUT just this week I learned I could access internet through my phone, so woohoo I am updating the blog again.  Here are some pics I planned on updating months ago showing our homeschool fun this past spring/summer.  Luckily Joey loves to learn and we have had a lot of fun homeschooling!!
Our Classroom ; )

Our field trip to EPCOT

We raised Tadpoles...a nasty job BTW : (

Doing the Great Piggy Bank Experiment at EPCOT

Planting seeds to learn the Plant Life Cycle

Riding Spaceship Earth

Writing in his Field Trip Journal

Joey's cute my Lil' Vol

Joey's seeds

More of the EPCOT Great Piggy Bank Adventure, an awesome lesson in money saving

Learning about recycling at the Waste Mgmt Pavillion in EPCOT
Our blackboard working on Geography...Joey's favorite subject