Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Christmas Day 2009

I am finally doing Christmas Day (sorry) we have had A LOT going on on our lives right now. So without further delay here is Christmas Day 2009!!!

Joey had us up at the CRACK of dawn, and as you can see from this first pic taken, he was READY!!!

So while Da went to see if Santa came yet, Joey opened his Elmo stocking (Santa fills two at our house, one upstairs and one down : ) Joey was partial to the dump it all out method this year : )

Turning the corner around the stairs and first seeing that Santa came!!!!

Most important!!! Santa came with his Toy Machine...what a happy kid!!! Joey had been saving and saving quarters in anticipation, but Santa also brought him 2 extra rolls of quarters, woohooo!!! He emptied the entire machine in a little over a day!!! Let me say when Joey put this on his list Santa just about had a coronary...but actually they are pretty reasonably priced ; )
Only one per quarter??
Joey got a great little tool kit and wore his safety goggles almost the entire rest of the day, too cute!!!

Yay, he got his fishing pole!!!!! Him and Da have even been fishing already, more on that later!

Again with the dump it method of stocking stuffer removal

A Fireman costume from Mom and Da, it has become a tradition for us to buy him costumes, good thing too, all the stuff from his dress-up box was too small!

Christmas Eve

Joey filled out his Santa plate himself, writing in he wanted a Toy machine, candy and an alien creator

Putting out his cookies to Santa, he INSISTED they should be on the table

Reading night before Christmas

Santa's footprints on the hearth BEFORE Joey had gotten up, you can see Santa put his toy machine right up front!!

The loot before he saw usual Santa went overboard, but Joey was a great boy!!

Santa ate the cookies, drank the milk...and overate, look under the table and you can see he lost a button ; )

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Christmas Disney with the Fam!!

Molly and Joey, is this not the cutest picture you have EVER seen?!

All of us girls and Joey with our light-up snowmen on, lotsa fun at Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party!! Free Hot Cocoa and cookies, YUM!!

Joey chose this Santa hat, very cute!!

The Merry Christmas Float

We had breakfast with Pooh and Friends at the Crystal Palace in Magic Kingdom

Joey has grown a whole inch since Thanksgiving and rode Space Mountain for the FIRST TIME EVER!!!!

A hidden Mickey on Santa's butt!!! We all thought this was so FUNNY!!

Beautiful Gingerbread Carousel

Dancing with Molly at the Osborne Family Christmas light show

With Molly and Laura... I didn't get to hold his hand all week : )

All the girls bought Joey a pin for his collection, he was so excited!!
Martha bought him a huge monorail set!!!

Playing with his monorail at home, he LOVES IT!!!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Joey's Christmas School Performance

Joey's school had a great Christmas performance. Joey was so excited to perform, his favorite song was Happy Birthday Jesus. Here he is with his teacher Mrs McCubbin

With his twin girlfriends, Angelina and Arriana

His other girlfriend Angel is the cutie pie blond to his right : )

They did a great job and Joey had a good time with his friends Jon and Michael (also twins) at the reception after

Here is a portion of the performance, Joey is right behind the first tall microphone